Member Since 25 Feb 2009Offline Last Active Apr 01 2020 06:04 AM
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l’éclaircie → oceanic
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fi-yah~ That song line just popped into my head. And I just popped by to say hi. With a song line. Yeah. :D
Dec 28 2013 07:40 PM
Lol, not my fault SSF doesn't send notifications about these comments. I don't call you names all the time. Or wait, yeah, I do. But they're nicknames! So why don't you think of this one as a term of endearment? :P Yesss, 'butthead' might have negative connotations, but it's only negative if you make it negative, hahaha.
Feb 16 2013 12:30 PM
Like, actually? The groove of writing or of your life in general? In any case, I'm happy for you! And I'm not stalking you. I was just wondering why there wasn't a notification today. :P And now, I shall go back to not having anything answered by you. -_- Unless it's by emoticon.
Nov 01 2012 12:47 PM
Update for Take-Off! I couldn't send a PM to you. Thank you for reading!
Aug 03 2012 09:18 AM