Sparkling Tita
Member Since 09 Feb 2011Offline Last Active Jun 20 2011 12:38 AM
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SooFuntastic → Sparkling Tita
hi~.. Sone indo kn? tlong add blik yaa.. met knal..~ ^^

Astrid FM → Sparkling Tita
Kamu ikut project 4th anniv Snsd yang postcard ngga?

4_r → Sparkling Tita
Intro?? Ok,, intro the new world!! Haha..
Hemm,, u can see about my personality in my profile,, I'm indonesian too,,live at bekasi, west java. Kamu dr bali yah??
Hemm,, u can see about my personality in my profile,, I'm indonesian too,,live at bekasi, west java. Kamu dr bali yah??

Sparkling Tita → 4_r
Yes Im from Indonesia..
Nice to meet you ^_^
Please Intro..
Nice to meet you ^_^
Please Intro..

4_r → Sparkling Tita
Hi,, indonesian right?? Nice to meet you!! Owoooo... Indonesia merdeka!!
thx for add.. ^^
thx for add.. ^^