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Member Since 22 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 08 2013 07:02 PM

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In Topic: [OTHERS] Intel Episode Filming Details

03 April 2011 - 12:37 AM

I passed by the new SM building many times (I'm not a stalker). It's a huge, newly-built, modern blue-glass building, has about 10 floors, and is located right next to the han river. Also, it's located very close SNSD's dorm. (I don't know the dorms exact location, but I know they live in that area). It's quite unsual to see the office building located there because it is in a quiet residential zone area. There is a huge television screen at the first floor lobby that's always playing MV's of SM artists. I never saw any starcraft vans, or any other types of vans that celebrities ride in, at the building. So I assumed the new building is primarly used by SM's staff & employees. And there's a grey luxury Equus sedan that is ALWAYS parked in front of the building. This car never moves, and I'd predict that the car belongs to either the owner of the buliding or the CEO.

Although probably not as nice as YG's buidling, but overall its 1000x better than SM's yellow building next to Galleria, where SM artists do their training. SM also had a third building near Apggujeong station, but that one recently closed down.

In Topic: [DONATE] Japan Relief Fund

26 March 2011 - 03:47 AM

Username: Soshisujushinee
Country: S. Korea
Amount: US $100 Total