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Topics I've Started

[MINI] Mr. Mr.

04 March 2014 - 07:29 PM

Let me preface this by saying that I won't be reviewing the packaging of the album because I haven't received my copy in the mail yet. I will update this post to include a review of the packaging after it arrives.


It's that time again - SNSD has released a new mini album! After listening to it non stop in my car and on my iPod for more than a week, I've come up with my opinions for each of the tracks.


1. Mr. Mr (10/10)

"Mr. Mr." is a perfectly crafted piece of pop music. The saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" applies here. The Underdogs, who produced this song, took the typical pop-song formula (intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus x 2) and made it awesome. Each verse of the song is filled with great vocal performances by the girls and a simple-but-effective beat. Some have complained that this song is basically TTS + J, but I think that the way this song was crafted, the vocal heavyweights needed to carry the brunt of the song. That being said, the rest of the girls get their fair share of lines in the easier-sung parts. The chorus of this song is where it really shines. The girls sing a subtle harmony in the background during it, which makes me so happy. I expect it to be on repeat for the foreseeable future.


2. Goodbye (6/10)

"Goodbye" is SNSDs pop-rock song on the album. The song is driven by the bass line and the vocals of the girls, which really shine. Hyoyeon's line caught me completely off guard and is awesome. However, I just don't find the song all that interesting. It's not bad, just kind of bland.


3. Europa (4/10)

I think I would have liked this song a lot more if the verses and chorus were better. They sound really messy to me. I enjoy the beat, vocals, and bridge, but the rest of the song is just disappointing. It seems like more of an experimental song, but it fell flat with me.


4. Wait a Minute (7/10)

"Wait a Minute" is just plain old fun. The syncopated rhythm and the vocal harmonies please my ears. At the beginning of this song there's a weird chop-up of the girls' voices, but I like the way it sounds. The whole song is quirky, and I can dig it.


5. Back Hug (9/10)

For whatever reason, I really enjoy SNSD's smoother, lighter songs like "Mistake" and "Romantic Street." This song falls into that category. It's got an R&B feel to it with the finger-snaps in the background and slow tempo. It's like a happy Destiny's Child. The chorus is extremely catchy and I knew it was good from the first listen. The way the vocals rise and fall during the chorus is like honey to the ears.


6. Soul (6/10)

This song is a Korean version of the Chinese "Find Your Soul," which was used in a CF for a video game. I like the song OK, but it doesn't really stand out to me as amazing. It has some pretty cool guitar riffs in it though.


Overall: 7 out of 10

Other than a few bland songs, I liked this mini album. I think it's better than their past mini-albums as far as track quality is concerned, but I don't think it's their best release. The title track, however, is just as good as any of their past singles.