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Member Since 09 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 27 2009 04:19 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [03.23.09] My Experience with "The Moment of Gee with Girls' Generation...

22 March 2009 - 11:16 AM

I'm just came back to my home few minute ago, and need to share my experience about my fantastic day at

Bangkok!!I'm the one who join in event name "The moment of Gee! with Girls' Generation" I'm waiting a girls for a long time but it make me very happy!! As you all know, Thai fan don't have chance too much to meet with girls. and this is second time for all girls to come to Thailand!! So, this is very important event for me!! at first I wished to get Seo Hyun's autograph but when I'm go on the stage, The angel who in front of me is.... JEssy!! She'so cute and beautiful. I had a chance to talk with her in Korean Language and Jessica talk to me in Thai language!! that very impressive. after that , I went to Bangkok airport to see all girls again. that miracle time for me because I'm have a chance to sent my gift,which is saving tofu, to Soo Young with my two hand. she is very nice because when I said "soo young unni" This is your present. she walk straight to me and receive my gift with her hand. ah That Fantastic Time!!

Ps.Sorry for my English language but I wanna really share my experience to all friends.

hope you will understand my comment :p

In Topic: [UFO] Jessica UFO Replies

10 March 2009 - 01:29 PM

Sorry I'm just a new member .

could anyone tell me what is UFO?

anyway I really happy to see sica replied that to fanclub.

Jessica!! she's so cute.