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Member Since 06 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 09 2016 07:49 AM

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In Topic: [MESSAGE] Happy 5th Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대

30 July 2012 - 10:28 PM

I've still a pretty fresh sone, having only about 1.5 years of being a fan of SNSD.
But I'm glad how they changed me so much.
They inspired me to be something more,
not the dull me I used to be who was shy and afraid.
They made me more confident of myself,
being able to approach and talk to people in a more confident manner.
It made me realise how beautiful girls can be not looking at their looks,
but by their character.

Their friendship, is something that makes me very envious.
Having fights here and there is normal and I believe that makes people closer.
Its amazing these 5 years the girls only could get closer and it just makes me so awestruck how 9 can become 1.
Their schedule is packed to a point no human can seem to endure,
but they do.
I definitely respect and admire them not just for their character, looks, dance but also effort and passion they have.

Just as they dream to be SNSD forever, till grannies.
I too, dream to be a SONE forever, till the end with them.

xoxo, sowon.

In Topic: [MESSAGE] Girls' Generation Talk from 'All About Girls' Generation

11 February 2011 - 11:23 PM

Thanks so much for sharing!!
Aww they're all so super sweet hahah it was really interesting reading this.
I wish I could experience the wonderful friendship they have with each other too *envious* lol