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Member Since 19 Dec 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2024 10:13 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [MESSAGE] Sunny's Message and Picture on SONE PLUS+ (Japan Fansite)

04 July 2013 - 07:54 PM

her hair color is changed _(≥▽≤)/ i love her hair right now. and she's growing her hair.! thanks for the translation. she looks good in red too.

In Topic: [UFO] Tiffany's UFO Messages

31 August 2012 - 11:14 AM

omg! omg! omg! She listen to Call me Maybe!! xD.. its so exciting to know it! She even let YoonA listen to it!

I bet YoonA unnie keep singin those line to you Fany-ssi? hihihi..

Tiffany finally interact with K-SONEs! She just to adorable!! I want to message with her and other SNSD member too~

Fany unnie! if you were here, I just want you to know that I want you post a thread! just post a thread in your section! Saying 'Hi' maybe? or share with us anything! I want to be like K-SONEs too~ T-T

They got the best treatment form you guys! I got jealous! >.<

But apart of that, I'm glad! I really glad! SNSD take care of their fans like we take care of you!

Please post a thread! You will get interact by other SONEs then!

In Topic: [FAN ACCNT] 120811 Music Core MC TaeTiSeo + Yoona fan account

14 August 2012 - 11:07 AM

wow! TaeNy YoonHyun~! It's so much fun in there! No wonder K-SONEs loves to chill there!

lol,, I know that Tiffany will be a complain baby.. I bet she is so cute till the moment you want to get her everything she wanted.

Taeyeon don't want to see herself giving that cheesy line to Fany. And a little bit disappointed when YoonA said it doesn't out well.
YoonA loves to tease her unnie.

I find Seohyun look adorable!

Thanks for the translation!

In Topic: [OTHERS] Girls' Generation's "Thanks To" from 3rd Full Album...

25 November 2011 - 10:48 PM

thanks for the translation! now i can watch the photocard while understanding...xD
sorry for awkward english.. excited to much i guess... :P

In Topic: [UFO] Tiffany, Yoona, Seohyun UFO Messages

28 June 2011 - 08:06 AM

at last~~~~ Fany Unnie do the UFO reply! ahhh.. spazz over...
Seohyun thank to SonE and her Parent also her SiSters(SNSD)...
Yoona want to watch CTP too...kiki..
thanks for the translating!