Member Since 17 Dec 2010Offline Last Active Nov 16 2021 10:44 PM
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Yoonyul_heemal → yoonyultwin
Hi there!Thank you for your add.So you're a M'sian Sone & Trooper like me.Nice to meet you.;p

Hyep...yes..you're welcome and I feel so honor and happy when I found M'sian troopers like you here...are you really Twin Trooper....I'm to crazy to our YOONYUL...hihi
Apr 25 2013 11:51 PM -
Yeah,of course I'm a hardcore Trooper.Actually I become a YA first,then Trooper and then I officially call myself as a Sone.XP
It's nice to see other M'sian Trooper in our YY thread cuz all this time I found that I'm the only M'sian there.lol
Apr 26 2013 07:23 AM -
oh...don't worry...bcoz from now on we're together as troopers...파이팅....^_^
Apr 26 2013 07:45 AM

hm,not really ok for the first few days but then it turn out well until the last day.;)
lol.fat cat is like a pig.just kidding.here we have a fat cat name LeeJunKi.funny isn't it?XP
then just go to clinic dongsaeng~~~ tc of your health..don't be like me..;/
aigoo,i don't really like to talk about this but u know what,I faint during my practical class.-.-
oh, weirdo.XD
Mar 22 2013 03:31 AM -
hm,depends.I also train with ruminants;cow,goat etc.
nope,it's the resident's cat in our vet school.
haha,I was sick and that day was really hot..
yeah,i hate hospital too that's why end up like that.lol.
ah,poor you.i guess i have to entertain you today.XP
Mar 22 2013 04:54 AM -
heck.like u?ok,since nobody will praise i let u praise urself.kekeke
oh,what is tom exams?btw,goodluck then.;)
i hope u won't sleep(lol.how can u?)and can do well tomorrow.^^
Mar 22 2013 06:18 AM

oops! sorry for this very late reply. i just read it now. my bad. hihihi sure, no prob :)
Jan 21 2013 03:52 AM

so I will just write it here..Hi unnie!Long time no c..seems that you're back?;p
Sorry to disturb you but I need your help.hehe..
can you help me to update 'I Got A Boy' thread later?cuz I'm having my final exam starting next week. and you know, the girls comeback is on tuesday.. I just hope someone can update that thread and my mind just think of you..when I'm coming back next two weeks, I will continue to spazz and update there..^^
Dec 29 2012 11:34 AM

miss u too iko.><
I can c u only on weeknd cuz I'm busy with my study again.;/
btw, are u going to smtown jakarta?
Sep 21 2012 10:04 AM

It's ok.It was malnutrition..
nope,I have 10 sem..;(
eh,I thought u live in jakarta?
Sep 22 2012 04:03 PM -
so do u got new pet?
ah..but each sem only 3months lenght. yours still faster than mine :\
im not. its amel unnie n iko who live there...
Sep 25 2012 03:48 AM -
nope..I'm phobia to have a pet now..;/
my sem is about 4-5 months..well,I'm a bit old when I graduated.lol
oh i c..
Sep 28 2012 02:12 AM