taeny addict
Member Since 20 Oct 2010Offline Last Active Jan 03 2016 02:27 AM
About Me
Hello everybody! Just wanna share some facts about me: First of all, I'm Filipino residing in the Philippines particularly the south eastern part. Aside from my addiction to Soshi, travelling is another thing that I can't live without! I find exploring different places and cultures gratifying and informative. I especially love going to the beach! I'm Pisces so I love the feel of water on my skin. Fyi, I actually freaked out when I learned that I had the same birth month as Taengoo! Call me silly, but I seriously like our kid leader! For me, she's the complete package! Even looking at a pic of hers instantly brightens my day and yes, some of my friends think I'm going crazy but I don't care. I'm also a diehard taeny shipper. I truly believe in TaeNy, that what they have is real and unique. I won't label their "relationship" because that's not important, just the fact that it exists is enough for me
Community Stats
- Group Donors
- Active Posts 115
- Profile Views 6047
- Member Title SoshiStruck
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday March 19
hovering over taeny's bed? kekeke
addicted to SNSD! Saranghae to all 9 :p so happy to have same birth month as Taengoo!!! I absolutely adore all of them but taeny is my ultimate bias
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Philippines (PH)