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Member Since 20 Sep 2010
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In Topic: [MESSAGE] Sica's message on woorisica 10.30.10

31 October 2010 - 11:43 PM

lol well my korean is crap so i didn't notice until i played it again haha XD

jessi jessi...what's your man doing leaving you for another man. *0* or is it even a man.
(LOL i wish!)

"anyone" who leaves sica obviously occurred a nasty head injury, coz it's not possible to logically leave someone like jessica once you have her :P....that's IF you get her >_<"

In Topic: [MESSAGE] Jessica's message on Woorisica

20 October 2010 - 12:39 AM

ahh so she deleted it...well it's nice to know her account ended by herself and not by anyone else's hands ^^

haha talk about a good seller (referring to the "hoots" in the comment)...
gah~~ technologically challenged lmao don't forget domestically as well rofl :D

In Topic: [OTHER] Asakura Yuki's Blog - *deep breath*

12 October 2010 - 08:24 PM

LOL that was proper spazzing! like a real spaz over yoona's poster :P so cute! haha

a celebrity drooling over one of the girls is jjiang!
i can't blame you, i mean...who wouldn't, no?

In Topic: [ARTICLE] SNSD's 10 Secrets

09 October 2010 - 05:28 AM

haha most of these secrets i know but i never knew about the last one who wakes up has to clean...poor jessica. >.< and the telephone demon HAHAHA gosh! i wonder what these drunk conversations entail :P

In Topic: [OTHER] Thoughts from a Chinese fan

21 September 2010 - 09:02 PM

thank you so much for posting this translations...another reason for me to work on my chinese >.<

it was honestly a very nice read. It's so true, but not once have I wished that time would turn back. it's the future that makes me worried. I guess a lot of Sones have noticed how they answer differently when it's about their future. : \

In my ideal world snsd will make music and perform for ever but that's obviously not possible. the girls have sacrificed A LOT to stand where they are right now. and when you learn more about these girls on a personal level you to also want them to enjoy the simple pleasures of living instead of being restricted by managers, the company and their stupid contract!

in the end i think we all just want them to be happy, content, satisfied. and as long as they're that then I don't care what the future will be.