Hello Thar!! welcome~ welcome~
I'm soshified numbah 1 lurker yo! bwahaha!! ahem! pardon me.
so, umm.. the name's Era. can call me E for short. lol.
get distracted easily, a byun, love to draw(bt kinda bad at it OTL), play games, sleep, shy at first, lazy plus can be random and craygee sometime.. teehee~
i'm a reader of fics but mostly TaeNy since its my OTP. -spazz- ahee~ err, i lurk on the TaeNy thread and artwork thread for fan arts a lot of time. miahaha!!
Taeyeon is my bias, with tiffany a teeny weeny second behind her. actually i spazz on every SNSD members. coz i love them all yo! ^.^
yeah, umm, so any question about me just comment down there and lets talk and know each other. emkay? don't worry i do wont bite~
robo soshi ftw!~