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Member Since 21 Aug 2010
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In Topic: [OTHER] Jessica is this kind of a girl...

31 December 2010 - 08:22 PM

Wow~ thanks for translating.....ahh~ this article shows how much support and acknowledge she receives from various individuals in the entertainment industry......she is the kind of person who you will love more and more as you get to know her....she's a very different image from the first impression.....she's also so hardworking and professional.....I remember her saying that during her Legally Blonde days was when she was the busiest and most exhausted with the musical and other activities.....but she managed to pull it all off brilliantly.....and for me, maybe she doesn't get as many coverage as Taeyeon for solo songs and ost, but her voice has its own charm.....Jessica voice is very clear, sweet and fresh.....she's my fav in Soshi.....Jessica jjang~