Member Since 29 Nov 2008Offline Last Active Oct 22 2017 02:52 AM
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yeah, shake2.. malay? chinese? i'm jelly with u.. u got to see snsd n hyo.. =(
Mar 31 2012 06:23 PM -
im need to be jelly lor...u will see her one day i believe..lets pray for snsd to have concert here :)
Apr 19 2012 09:29 AM

hyodeeba → nfyaok
Okay~~So i was looking at the back pages of the den,and here ya are~Malaysian Hyohunnie who wants to buy the calendar.

Mellerz → nfyaok
Just wanted to inform you that the next member, SOO YOUNG's, story has been released! I believe you changed your username, no? Kekeke...

kyu_sica → nfyaok
Howdy unni!!
I'm very very sorry for not replying your comment last time and for being MIA.. HUHU~
I didn't even wished you happy new year.. Hor~
So, how was your new year??
Something has changed or everything was still the same??
Oh, wait!! Do you still remember me?? LOL~
I'm very very sorry for not replying your comment last time and for being MIA.. HUHU~
I didn't even wished you happy new year.. Hor~
So, how was your new year??
Something has changed or everything was still the same??
Oh, wait!! Do you still remember me?? LOL~