OH WOWW!! thanks for sharing hahaha
i would like an experience like that with yoona!
her asking me to come closer and all. AHHHHH!
anyways why did she say she miss u so much?? LOLL
- Soshified
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i <3 yoona
Member Since 07 Aug 2010Offline Last Active Aug 20 2012 07:53 PM
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- Active Posts 55
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- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 31 years old
- Birthday August 10, 1993
Penang, Malaysia
I LOVE THE VARIETY SHOWS THAT SNSD ATTENDS TO! SOOYOUNG, TAEYEON AND YURI ARE SO FUNNY LMAO. so is we got married! taeyeon and hyungdon aka PUDDING AND JELLY. OMG SO CUTE RIGHT? HAHAHA!! i cant wait for the next episode for seohyun and junghwa's wgm. :)
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In Topic: [03.23.09] My Experience with "The Moment of Gee with Girls' Generation...
22 August 2010 - 09:32 AM
In Topic: Twitter Trends (1)
10 August 2010 - 09:33 AM
IM YOONA! i really want to meet you some day!! you're already so pretty on screen, i bet u'll look much better up close. with or without make up beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. ur pure look + childish personality just matches so well. i really want to meet you some day. i love you.
- Soshified
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