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Member Since 02 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Jan 15 2012 04:39 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [ARTICLE] SNSD's 10 Secrets

08 October 2010 - 07:05 PM

thank you so much for sharing this.

it is quite hard to capture everything that defines snsd in a short article but it is a good thing that there is growing interest from the general japanese public.

In Topic: [OTHER] Various Japanese Celebrity Blogs - SNSD

08 October 2010 - 07:02 PM

thank you so much for sharing this.

looking forward to reading more snsd-related blogs by various japanese celebrities!

In Topic: [OTHER] Various Japanese Celebrity Blogs - SNSD

07 October 2010 - 12:30 AM

thank you so much for sharing this.

looking forward to reading more snsd-related blogs by various japanese celebrities!
especially now that the gee japanese full promotional video is just released!

In Topic: [OTHER] Various Japanese Celebrity Blogs - SNSD

05 October 2010 - 06:50 PM

thank you so much for sharing this.

looking forward to reading more snsd-related blogs by various japanese celebrities!
especially now that the gee japanese full promotional video is just released!

In Topic: [OTHER] Bomi & Fujimoto Yukimi's Blog Entries - SNSD

04 October 2010 - 07:07 PM

thank you so much for sharing this.

looking forward to reading more snsd-related blogs by various japanese celebrities!