Member Since 13 Jul 2010Offline Last Active Aug 08 2012 07:28 AM
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wahhh...!!! It's been so long I've open my last login in soshified....miss you all....^^

wahhh...!!!! the intel project finally finish....!!!! (KL/Selangor) yeah...!!! \.^0^./

maknaeDyra → wansya
owh..i already know that coz Im also join to trend #SNSDtoMY and we did it..
btw thanxx for sent this
btw thanxx for sent this

wansya → yyfan
hi..yyfan...you're malaysian rite...can i be ur friends..?? I'm from malaysia too...!!!^_^

wansya → maknaeDyra
dyra...you should see this..click this link... http://soeulmateskoreanaddicts.wordpress.com/2011/01/29/amazing-malaysian-sones-want-snsd-to-pay-malaysia-a-visit-snsdtomy-trending-on-twitter/

maknaeDyra → wansya
yeah..thanxx so much!!
we hav to make SNSD come to Malaysia this year..its not imposibble...
we hav to make SNSD come to Malaysia this year..its not imposibble...

wansya → lutfi
lutfi..thnx 4 approve me...I'd like to give u some info...hope you will help us all malaysian fan....I know How to GET SNSD come to MAlaysia..jus Click this link http://amirulxt.com/?p=496 and you know what to do...then forward this to your friends (MAlaySIa Only)...hope we can get our SNSD come to Malaysia SOON...!!!