comparing Into The New World, Girls' Generation, Gee, Genie, Oh and Run Devil Run, i could see how much you girls matured and improved in these three years.
still, your songs never fail to amaze every time:D and i think that many SONEs feel the same way too!
take Gee for example. its the only song that held its #1 spot on KBS Music Bank for 9 consecutive weeks, and on M.Net's M!Countdown's for 8 weeks.
i bet everyone remembers the "Gee Wave" that swept throughout the whole world. that song totally REWROTE history. AND WHO SANG IT? SNSD:D
this is the reason why SNSD deserve their title as the top K-Pop girl group^^
of course, life has been filled with up and downs for the 9 of you, from your packed schedules to crazy anti-fans.
but never once did you girls complain, and on every reality show, you girls are always seen with bright smiles on your faces even though you really feel like sleeping:P
although you girls are already at the top of the K-Pop world, you never stop learning, and continue to work hard despite your fame and recognition around the world.
that's what i love about you all (:
SNSD fighting! i wish you girls all the best in your tours and concerts, and have fun in japan:D REALLY REALLY looking forward to your debut single!
now time for a little fangirling! hahaha:D
Kim TaeYeon:
ah, byuntaeng the kid leader! your dorky attitude never fails to crack me up everytime^^ i like how you're always caring about your members (: but you act really childish at the same time! LOL. your voice is really awesome! love it TO THE MAX:D stay faithful to Tiffany okay! TAENY FTW~!
Jessica Jung:
the ice princess with the "sica effect"! everytime that happens, i'll start laughing:P its seriously funny to see how the mood changes with one word from you! and its amazing how much you hate cucumbers and start screaming when you see them^^ you're supposed to be sergeant sica, not the "dolphin scream-er"^^ you look fab with your blonde hair:D love it!
Sunny Lee:
Sunny Bunny! you're undoubtedly the aegyo queen in SNSD! your puppy dog eyes are so cuuteeee:D "I'm going to be an 'adult idol' from now on! Open your chest!" i laughed so hard when you said this:P but sunny ah, stay cute and funny okay? i love you this way most (: and stop being such a gaming addict:/ hahaha! kidding kidding^^
Tiffany Hwang:
our one and only mushroom! your eyesmile really brightens up my day:D and i really really REALLY love your voice! there was so much emotion in the words when you sang "By Myself", and although i didn't know the meaning, i cried listening to it. you're the most hardworking member, yet you're also the one that most of the antis direct their hate to. despite all this, you're always seen with a bright smile. that's what i love about you, Tiffany Hwang (:
Kim HyoYeon:
SNSD's dancing queen! your dance moves are the best^^ no competition yeah! everytime there's an MV with you solo dancing, i'll go "WOAAHHH." haha:D
Kwon Yuri:
brighter than pearls! you win the "hottest body award" hands down^^ you're always so hyper and dorky:P can't imagine that you're such a big Mickey Mouse fan o_o and you're an awesome dancer too! second to Hyo:P
Choi SooYoung:
shikshin! stop eatinggg:P hahaha! you and Sica should go for an eating competition sometimes:P i'd totally kill for your leg line:P *jealous*
Im YoonA:
Him YoonA! you're the face of SNSD^^ only you can pull off the alligator smile and end up looking pretty:D so mean of you and Sica to scam your other members:P especially Tiffany! she tried both your kimbap and Sica's sandwiches! continue to excel in acting:D and fight with Yonghwa for Seohyun okayyyy:D
Seo Juhyun:
the innocent maknae! you're so pure that it hurts (: you look really pretty in all the MVs^^ hmm, should you be with YongHwa or YoonA? i can't decide:P