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Member Since 06 Jul 2010
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In Topic: [PICS] Our Pastel Rose Generation

03 March 2011 - 02:04 PM

Thank you for the translations! I greatly appreciate it because if not, I would never have been able to read such beautiful poems dedicated to our nine girls ;] The poems themselves were enough to create tears but because I also had SNSD's Forever playing in the background, the rate of my tears dropping doubled/ tripled/ quadrupled...

I [STRONGLY] recommend listening to Forever while reading this just to intensify the mood.

Thank you again for all your hard work Soshi Subbers!!

In Topic: [UFO] Sunny's UFO Messages part 1

20 February 2011 - 07:34 PM

Quite a lot of replies there! It still amazes me how the girls can fit in time for the fans even with their tight schedules. Hope they're eating and sleeping well in Japan.

I have a sudden urge to go listen to Grenade by Bruno Mars now...even if I'm tired of listening to it everyday on the radio during the bus ride home from school.

Thank you for the translations ^^