My name is Christine..My name in KOREAN is CHOON-HEE..u can call me Tine or Choon-Hee..I came from Philippines! I'm 13 yrs old.. I'm a half Spanish<my grandmother said>,Aeta<my grandfather said>,Chinese<my uncle said>,and Filipino..I'm not sure about my blood combinations but the real truth is I'm a half Spanish and Filipino..I'm shipping to TAENY,YULSIC,SOORI,SUNYEON,TAESIC, and the other couples.! I'm friendly,honor student,caring,gorgeous,kind and having beautiful eyes too..well I will upload some photos of myself in my photo album,so that you can describe me!
I can prOudly say that i'm a CERTIFIED SNSD ♥
TaeNy ShippEr^^..
I love TaeNy..tHey aRe thE bEst cOupLes..!!!
05 August 2010 - 03:48 AM
02 August 2010 - 06:13 PM
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