Member Since 01 Feb 2008Offline Last Active Private
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RoshiJessaye → Sol
Happy Birthday Fellow Sone~~! Hope your wishes come true :L.

Astrid FM → Sol
Heyy..can you tell me how to write something in the shoutbox?-_-hehe I don't really understand. Thanks^^

YogurtaCe → Sol
im also a seotae fans~~ ^^ support the leader and the maknae :D

Sol → Young Buck
Vin! I hope you're doing well. Just dropped by to see how you were.
You changed from Yuri to Yoona?
You changed from Yuri to Yoona?

~FanyyoonaSeobabyy~ → Sol
seomate? :) nice 2 meet u :D im seomate too :)
heheh XP hope we can be good friends ;]
heheh XP hope we can be good friends ;]

XienShi → Sol
Happy Birthday! Best of wishes! ^^
Oh yay! We're the same age. x]
Oh yay! We're the same age. x]

snsdazzled → Sol
I know I'm late.
but hey. happy birthday!
stay healthy and may god bless you always. :)
but hey. happy birthday!
stay healthy and may god bless you always. :)