That is just so cool!!!!!!!!!
It's so nice they'd do such a thing!!!!!!!!!!
- Soshified
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: JiEun123
Member Since 06 Oct 2008Offline Last Active Jan 13 2013 03:30 AM
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- Group Rookies
- Active Posts 18
- Profile Views 3103
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 29 years old
- Birthday February 23, 1995
land of milk, honey, and SNSD
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In Topic: [OTHERS] Translations of SM ringtones
06 October 2008 - 06:06 PM
In Topic: [RADIO] 02.09.08 Chinchin TY's childhood story cut
06 October 2008 - 06:03 PM
There was this guy I liked that lived on the same street as me, and he like Dragonball too...
So we'd play Dragonball on my trampoline with some of the other kids on the street, and I was always the nurse...
Those were the good old days...
So we'd play Dragonball on my trampoline with some of the other kids on the street, and I was always the nurse...
Those were the good old days...
In Topic: [UFO] UFO replies from Sica, couple rings & love fights
06 October 2008 - 05:57 PM
Then who has couple rings with Tae Yeon?
In Topic: [RADIO] Chinchin cut [19.09.08]
06 October 2008 - 05:55 PM
I would never have imagined that Tae and Hyo had awkward relations in the past...
They don't seem to have sharp personalities either...
But it's true that they're personalities are similar...
They're both such adorkable unnies...
They don't seem to have sharp personalities either...
But it's true that they're personalities are similar...
They're both such adorkable unnies...
- Soshified
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: JiEun123
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