Member Since 25 May 2010Offline Last Active Oct 30 2011 01:32 AM
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-TeSsA- → (L)Yuri
^_^ I will Oppa :] lol It's better than not online -ing at all xD ^__^ Omgaaah! lol Don't u already have me as a friend oppa? xD My Skype name is -TeSsY- ;]<3 lol ^___^

(L)Yuri → -TeSsA-
drink lot of water then.get well soon dongsaeng.hahah
at least now i'm online once a day right?haha.do u have skype id?
at least now i'm online once a day right?haha.do u have skype id?

-TeSsA- → (L)Yuri
LOL I'm sick :/ I lost my voice and urgh :/ horrible :/ Anyways Noo she's not the same xD She got waaay off hotter ;) Hahaz Yeah ^_^ You should go check it out :DD It's extremely hot yo lol ^___^ Aaaah I missed you :/

(L)Yuri → -TeSsA-
so sick? sock of what?
Yuri is still the same old Yuri huh? pretty tall and HAWT..lol.
thx for the info btw..will check their perf.haha
Yuri is still the same old Yuri huh? pretty tall and HAWT..lol.
thx for the info btw..will check their perf.haha

-TeSsA- → (L)Yuri
That is true lol ^___^ Aaaah I'm sooo sick oppa :/ Oooh right! SNSD OMG! U gotta watch The Great Escape perfs! They are sooo HAWT! lol ^__^
And Yuri Looks more gorgeous than usual! She got pretty skinny though ~ lol :/ She still looks extremely pretty ^____^
And Yuri Looks more gorgeous than usual! She got pretty skinny though ~ lol :/ She still looks extremely pretty ^____^

(L)Yuri → -TeSsA-
well still lot of assignment but at least now i can online everyday.not following any SNSD news anymore though
well still long way to go.Hwaiting dongsaeng.haha
well still long way to go.Hwaiting dongsaeng.haha

-TeSsA- → (L)Yuri
Woah! lol I cant even spend a day without being online here xD Haha Still busy??!! Wow! Hwaiting Oppa! ^_^ Hahaz Thank you!! I'll truly need it :DD lol I can't enjoy it cuz I'm seriously suffering :( lol I'm in 7th grade ^^

(L)Yuri → -TeSsA-
yes not online for almost a year i think?
well i"m good anw kinda busy with this whole new college things lots of assignment.
Good luck for the school.hwaiting dongsaeng! just enjoy ur moment.ur gonna miss it when ur in college.what grade r u now?
well i"m good anw kinda busy with this whole new college things lots of assignment.
Good luck for the school.hwaiting dongsaeng! just enjoy ur moment.ur gonna miss it when ur in college.what grade r u now?