Member Since 04 May 2010Offline Last Active Dec 04 2021 07:49 AM
Profile Feed

KyopoCanuck → KillDeer
Thank you for your time and effort ^^d Enjoy the pink life :D

cheriosk → KillDeer
lmfaooo! i meant gist! ahahah wthhhh so embarassing! but yeah Mr. Taxi MV! aaaahhhh!

KillDeer → Loucipaaah
Strange friend request text but I laughed and at least I know who you are! (So many friend requests from random people I've never even interacted with on the boards.)

cheriosk → KillDeer
lol awww it's okay i think i got the jizz of it... just got the chance to reply now. But yeah hopefully there's gonna be a meet up so there'd be more people to spazz with haha

KillDeer → cheriosk
I think the database crash yesterday ate my reply on your page.

cheriosk → KillDeer
Lol at the "I have no friends" part... I'm pretty sure you have tons... but yeah that's cool. I'm kind of on the same boat coz although some of my friends are into k-pop, they don't have that much interest into the girls that would cause them to have major panic attacks :P...

KillDeer → cheriosk
Well I won 2 tickets to see a screening of the Korean movie "I Saw the Devil" in Toronto. I have no friends so I got on twitter and sent her a message asking if she'd wanna go. Easy as that.

cheriosk → KillDeer
Oooh DJ Lisa's from Toronto too? How'd you meet her then? I remember there's like 3 DJ's that are from there too...

KillDeer → cheriosk
Meet-ups? No. I've actually never met anyone from Soshified other than Lisa/DJ Flo. I guess if people organize something in Toronto I would consider going.