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Member Since 03 May 2010
Offline Last Active Apr 04 2016 07:25 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [OTHERS] What It Means To Be a SONE

18 October 2011 - 12:20 AM

OMG I got teary from this. Really moved. This is awesome. ;___;
I think every SONE can relate to this. This really shows SONEs' hearts, how SONEs think and feel.

In Topic: [TIFFANY] Tiffany briefly visits Soshified 110819

19 August 2011 - 08:09 AM

I was doing something when she was on SSF, and saw the news around 30 minutes later? :(
I envy you people....

Anyway, she came to SSF and browsed something about herself? LOL.

I hope she will come again soon, and I hope I don't miss it again. -_-"

In Topic: [PICTURES] 「GLOBAL GENERATION」소녀시대 4주년기념 선물

05 August 2011 - 02:23 AM

I'm sure the girls will love the presents. :D
And I'm LOL-ing at the cucumber thingy gift.
I'm curious how is Jessica's reaction when she see it XDDD

Anyway, Soshified daebak!! Keep the good work ^^

In Topic: [TIFFANY] Tiffany on Soshified Shoutbox 2011-04-15

15 April 2011 - 04:25 AM

Omg i missed it!
When i saw twitter everyone was like spazzing about this
I shouldn't have played that game.
Feel like crying now TT

Well, hope we can see her here again soon.
And hopefully with Jessica xD

Oops double posted. Sorry ><

In Topic: [TIFFANY] Tiffany on Soshified Shoutbox 2011-04-15

15 April 2011 - 04:24 AM

Omg i missed it!
When i saw twitter everyone was like spazzing about this
I shouldn't have played that game.
Feel like crying now TT

Well, hope we can see her here again soon.
And hopefully with Jessica xD