Member Since 01 May 2010Offline Last Active Private
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xReiya → JeTHiL
UNNIEEEEE :D lol. nothing, just miss seeing you around on ssf. :x

JeTHiL → xReiya
Happy Birthday Rei, i hope all your birthday dreams and wishes come true ~~ <3

JeTHiL → Void123
so..we help each other ;), yeap i read ur deprived note on jeti's thread and i was feeling like you T.T but i had to get over it bcuz jeti is that thing that make me hyper and alive in my cybernetic life *---*

Void123 → JeTHiL
:'D That's nice to hear, your moments too inspired me and reminded me of my love for JeTi since they barely have moments these days, I was near to 'jumping ship' .__. but still, JeTi is JeTi and is just diff. with everybody else ~ sorry for confusing you with my UN. XD

JeTHiL → Void123
yeap that's my channel =) and i have to say that your fics inspired me to edit new moments (sometimes)!, i did not know that yanashin=jessimakesmegay T.T, nice to meet you, and thanks for liking my JTM vids?

Void123 → JeTHiL
Thank you so much for liking them and oh, you're youtube ch. is thesoshilove, AJFLSJFSLDFJ The JETI Moments ? Thank you so much, I love your fanvids too ~

JeTHiL → Void123
love your fics <3, you rock!, just showing my face here~~ cuz i'm one of your silence readers *___*

JeTHiL → vbb
crei que tu username era como el de tu twitter, por eso te pregunte que si ya te lo ahbian cambiado pero me acrode que es diferente XD osea que aun no lo cambias, mmm tambien sé paciente por que tardan rato en cambiarlo