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sj-carmen sj-carmen
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Posted 06 July 2011 - 05:13 PM

Heyy!! I'm the ELF that many others have mentioned in their fan account so i thought i'd upload a fan account from my point of view too.

What i have wrote is 100% true and don't bash me cause i'm an ELF and that i'm making stuff up.

My crazy four day adventure, met lots of great people and had a great experience. Will never forget it and can't wait till my next crazy trip! :D my first and second time going to a concert and it was the first kpop concert in Europe <3 i feel so privileged to have went.

9 June 2011
Arrived at Garu Du Nord and walked about for a bit then headed to Zenith to check in to our hotel. We arrived too early though and had to leave our luggage at the hotel and went out for a wander. Ended up walking to Le Zenith and seeing fans that have already started queuing up. After checking in to our hotel, we decided to go sightseeing in hope that we bump into the celebrities. After going to many places, kangaroo_girl called carolc and told us that the SM artists were at Le Zenith rehearsing!!! So we basically ran for it and made our way from one side of Paris to the other side. Got to Le Zenith and couldn't find kangaroo_girl and the others. After a bit of wall climbing and running across the street, dropping my phone on the way, finally we get to the concert hall. The music was already playing in the background. After a little while, Donghae and Siwon arrives and i manage to get a few photos of them. Afterwards, i take photos and videos of the celebrities leaving. Super Junior being last to leave, i ended up staying till it got dark. Due to the darkness, all my photos came out blurry but still, my first time seeing my favourite band! Met Spanish ELFs and with my name being Carmen which is Spanish, i became a adopted Spanish. I was the only one with the video of SNSD waving their iphone apps at us...but nooooooo i had to somehow lose the video!!! Taeyeon also pointed towards her forehead cause kangaroo_girl was wearing a Taeyeon SPAO hat. One of the SJ members were also waving a photo at us, i think it was a photo of the Spanish ELFs with their flag.

10 June 2011
The first kpop concert in Europe!! Got up early and got ready for the concert. Started waiting about 11ish...ended up chilling about Le Zenith and starting dancing to SNSD songs. Can't believe one video is already on youtube and it had to be Hoot..the dance that i was least familiar with! Me, kymfans and smlsw<3SNSD4ever dancing and other fans were watching us, so embarassing. Took me ages to find the sj-world members and get my bundle off them. A Chinese fan also asked me "Speak english please" even though i clearly was speaking English and im from Scotland!!!! Due to me having a Soundcheck ticket, i managed to get to the official goodies first. Got 2 SMTown tshirts and a Super Junior poster. Soundcheck began at 3:30 and only lasted 30 minutes!! Totally not worth the money!! It was only the dance battle on repeat, Eunhyuk was so hot during the practice, i kept screaming "EUNHYUK EUNHYUK EUNHYUK!!" He heard it and he smirked!! So sexy <3. The Spanish fans beside me were shouting "Dong Bang Shin Ki!!" *clap* "Dong Bang Shin Ki!!" and i was shouting "Super Junior" in between, fans laughed at me lol. Hyoyeon and Luna were pretty awesome too!! It was a great night, i knew the girls that were beside me. My seat gave me perfect view of the stage and i went crazy with recording, resulting in the camera battery dying halfway through the concert. It was a good thing though, recording resulted in me concentrating only on camera and not enjoying the performances. I ended up dancing like crazy during Gee and Genie, the only dances i can actually dance to out of all the SM dances. I held up my SuJu World Domination towel from sj-world and Ryeowook pointed to me and smiled, my highlight of the whole concert <3. Kyuhyun also had a lot of acne which i could see easily. Leeteuk also fell into the crowd at the extension bit that i stood at on the second night, wish he fell on the second night! So funny, the security had to literally push his bottom back up on to the stage lol.

11 June 2011
Got up first thing and went to Sheraton hotel with carolc and lunamoon to find that SMTown weren't staying there. Met a Thai Shawol and she told us her friend found out where SM artists were staying. She checked out Sheraton and we all took a taxi to the hotel. Not long after we arrived, we seen SNSD!!!! I was so shocked...i was standing there like OH MY GOD!!! so pretty!! I need to facebook this straightaway!!! SNSD were wearing photoshoot clothes and they looked so skinny!!! At this point...i honestly couldn't believe i was really seeing them up close. But we stayed our distance and didn't frighten them. We are polite European fans after all! Can't give Europe a bad image :) The managers and assistants didn't really let us take videos or photos but i did manage to get some. Haven't uploaded any yet but stay tuned! Will get them up when i manage to watermark them all. SHINee also comes out of the hotel and me and the Thai Shawol follow them and after they enter the restaurant i head back to the hotel. Then Jessica and her mum walks by us!!!! We were all debating whether or not it was Jessica, i thought it was and carolc didn't really recognise her at first. Then i shouted "Jessica!!" and after a few secs (i thought she was going to keep walking) she turned around and waved at me!!! I nearly died!!! Jessica is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice!!! I kind of went after her...the rest just stayed in their spot. I'm feeling annoyed though...i went after her to get a snapshot of her back...how stupid!!! I could have probably got a photo and a autograph since she wasn't with any managers or assistants!!! Taeyeon also came out with a assistant and manager, but when they were leaving they had crossed the road and didn't walk by us. I'm not sure if they done that on purpose to avoid us or not...but Taeyeon was so small! She looked like a little kid. Kangaroo_girl, kelvinlovesboa, sagill888, smlsw<3SNSD4ever and Smashin then arrived at the hotel too and we all waited there together. Then Taeyeon came back with cereal and milk, me and friends were shouting "Taeyeon!!" but she didn't even give us a glimpse, she looked sad and tired :( (i've got a video, shall upload later). kangaroo_girl was lucky though, after a bit of persuading, she managed to give her present to the manager for Taeyeon. We weren't being crazy fans though...we kept our distance and didn't do anything stupid...don't understand why we didn't get many waves or smiles. When Jessica was coming back she smiled and kind of ran by. I think she was kind of scared cause there were more people then? But bless her!!! She's lovely!!! I wish i talked to her :( Then got a taxi to Le Zenith. I was standing this time and i was at the second row of the right hand side of the extension. The girl in front was really really small...basically i was up front hehe. Got some pretty awesome fancams. After the concert, i made my own way to SM's hotel. I was waiting with Thai Shawols and soon other fans that didn't book a room were thrown outside. Luckily i managed to pretend i had a room cause one of the Shawols showed her room card and the guy thought we all had a room. Then later i saw Nichole and her sisters, we booked a room and all crammed in. Me and Nichole stayed till 3/4am waiting on the artists coming back. (i am the girl that carolc was talking about that waited in the hotel lobby LOL) I had my SuJu World Domination towel out and kept saying "UK ELF imnida!!!". Leeteuk, Sungmin, Shindong, Eunhyuk, Yuri, Taemin and some others came back through the back door. Taemin was really drunk, he had to be carried by Yuri and another SNSD member. Leeteuk had waved to us and that was about it. Disappointed...wanted to see more of Sungmin :(. Shindong was laughing all the way back. Yoona, Donghae and Ryeowook walked by me though cause they came through the front door. Donghae and Ryeowook said "Goodnight" to me, in Korean!!! Donghae had nodded when i told him i was a UK ELF (dies inside). I didn't even know it was goodnight they said till the girl beside me told me, i really need to learn some Korean lol. Heechul walked by after Ryeowook and the girl beside me pointed out he had a Chinese bag. I started reading the writing on his bag and he waved to us!!! Victoria also came back and she was holding her mouth like she was nearly going to be sick. The rest of f(x) walked by too, i said "Good job!!" and Amber said "Thanks"...omg...she was pretty hot LOL. Kyuhyun, Tiffany and some others came back from the back door. Tiffany kept saying "Thank you for coming!!!" How nice of her :), think Kyuhyun waved too. Changmin and Yunho also waved to us when they came back from the back door. Then i tried getting up to level 8 where they stayed lol. Then the guard seen me and looked at me till got back into the elevator. I had to say i pressed the wrong floor haha. This was a pretty good experience, there wasn't that many fans so i felt the waves and smiles were more personal. If that makes sense?

12 June 2011
Got up early, went to my hotel to check out and take my luggage to SM's hotel. I hung about at the hotel lobby with the Thai Shawols waiting on them to leave for the airport. Super Junior comes down first, at this point i was in shell shock. Super Junior and some staff just hung about the lobby and the fans kind of stood and watched and were scared to go up. I start to walk quickly towards them and realised i dropped my pen and run back for it. I go up to Donghae first and ask, "Can i get an autograph?" and show my pen. He just looks at me and i try again asking in Chinese. After a few seconds he says "Ahh, ok" I grab my Super Show DVD photobook and he tells me to hold on to it while he signs. I took a photo of his hands signing and he said "No photo!!!" and i show him the photo saying "No face". I'm not sure...but i felt that he was slightly cold towards me. I got quite upset about it afterwards, but then maybe he was slightly confused over what i said? Looking over a fancam, he smiles at the girl after me and i never got a smile. I feel like an idiot though because i was looking at his hands and not his face. I did't even know if he had severe ache or not! Or whether or not he smiled at me >_< I walk then to the chairs, watch for a bit then walk up to Leeteuk who was already signing another fan's diary. He was asking for her name and was writing a message for her!! How sweet!!! I was next in line for a autograph when the manager came along and said "No autograph", i was so stupid and i walked away!!! I could have just gave Leeteuk my photobook and he would have signed it!!! So i walk back and i wave to Leeteuk and say "UK fan!!". He looks at me and doesn't understand what im saying so i say "UK ELF imnida!!" Then he smiles at me and waves!!! <3 At this point i decide that i should walk up again and try for Shindong's autograph but they start to walk away and walk towards the back door to leave!! Stupid me just stands there and watches...not even thinking of following them! I was disappointed that Yesung had ignored a fan when she asked for a autograph, i thought he would have been a nice person!! SHINee had left afterwards, going very quickly and i had no chance for a autograph. Apparently Heechul had left the restaurant about that time and i had missed him. A German fan asked him for a autograph and the manager said no. Heechul held her hand and said "I'm really sorry". God bless him!! Leeteuk and Heechul were the most friendly which to me, was unexpected. Both of them were nice to fans and were the only ones waving when leaving Zenith and were nice at the hotel. I thought Heechul would have been a cold person but i am wrong! Just like Jessica, she is not a ice princess!!! She is so nice!!! f(x) left last, me, 2 German fans and a little boy followed them into the car park. I asked Amber for a autograph first and she looks at the others who were already putting their luggage on to the bus. She kind of looks at us awkwardly and says "Sorry, i can't the now" I don't blame her, she didn't want to be left behind. Then me and a German fan go up to Luna and ask for a autograph. What i'm going to tell you next may shock you. Luna is the nicest, sweetest girl ever!! She signs my diary and asks for my name. Then the little boy beside me asks for a photo and the manager says no. So i suggest covering her face (its cause she wasn't really wearing makeup) and she's like yeah!! Manager says no and i suggest covering her eyes too and manager still says no. But Luna was so nice to say yes even when she was makeup-less. She signs the rest of the albums and i take photos of her signing. The manager tells me no photos and i say "No face" and he was fine with it. F(x)'s manager was probably the nicest manager out of all of them. He let me take a few photos of Luna signing and one of Amber. The rest had got on the bus at this point and only Luna was outside signing. The manager was so kind to have let her stop what she was doing to sign. Thats the tip, be calm and don't be a crazy fan then you might get a autograph? Then the German fan asks Luna to take the CDs, photos and diary on to the bus to get the others to sign. (Only Luna had signed at this point cause the rest went straight on to the bus). I thought no, they might be in a hurry and plus it was asking for too much. But no!!! Luna says YES!!! Luna takes the CDs etc on to the bus for the other members!!!! Bless her!!! She is just like what reports say, she is so nice!! She was also smiling lots when talking to us. I told her she had nice nails and she done a good job at the concert. The rest were also waving to us while they were signing on the bus. Amber then comes out to ask a fan if she wants her to sign her autograph again cause she done it in a rush and it was messy. We were talking at that point. I told her i loved her accent and she said thanks and that she liked mine. I told her i was from Scotland. She was like "really? I watch Skins, you know the British drama" I was like "yeah!" then she done a British accent imitation, so cute >_< Then the German fan says "Amber do you know you have a lot of girl fans? There was lots of girls screaming for you" and i say "yeah, i was screaming for you too" She was like "really?" I'm sure she knows about the screams she got, right? I mean it was pretty epic lol. Then afterwards i hang for a bit but then got told that all the SM artists left. So i say my byes to the German fans and walk towards the metro to go to Garu Du Nord early for my eurostar. I see Nichole on the way and she tells me SNSD are in a restaurant nearby. Then we go in for food, i hadn't ate much during my stay at Paris so i thought why not, even though it was 42 euros. We were sat kind of beside a small corridor kind thing that looked on to the side of their table. 42 euros and it totally wasn't worth it, i barely ate the food, i didn't like it considering it was quite raw X_X. But yeah, Nichole wrote a note and got a waiter to give them it. From the angle we were sitting, SNSD could only see me and they thought i had wrote the note lol. Sooyoung got given the note and she didn't read it at first but after a while she reads it. So im eating my baguette and look up to see Yoona glaring at me!!! I turn away cause i didn't want a staring contest and look back to see her still looking at me, so i turn away again and look back to see her still glaring. So i decide to smile at her, then she turns away!!!! I don't care if i get bashed for saying this but she was so rude!!!! Thats not the way to treat a fan!!! Then Tsukishiro and Ja Ryong came and join me and Nichole at the restaurant. When they left the restaurant they had to walk by our table, none of them looked at us or said anything about the note (Jessica was not there). I go out to see them get ready to go on the cars. We ask for autographs and the managers say no. Tiffany says "Thank you for coming! Sorry we can't sign for you", so nice :) When walking by the second car, we waved and shouted on Seohyun who waved back. Then went tback to writing in this notepad. Then we all had to leave for Eurostar and that was the end of our trip!

Even though i felt some of the SM artists were abit cold towards fans...maybe they were tired? Like what kangaroo_girl says...think happy thoughts!!! Think happy thoughts!!

My youtube channel name is carmen92x...i will be uploading close fancams and videos of SMTown artists at the hotel later on...STAY TUNED!
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me and Donghae!
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smlsw<3SNSD4ever smlsw<3SNSD4ever
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Posted 07 July 2011 - 12:10 PM

U got some epic moments with SuJu and f(x).. im so envy of u..

After this trip which include the interactions with the celebrities, tiffany,sooyoung and jessica has becomes few of my favourites :)

let's wait and hope for smtown london next year :) SMTown hwaiting ^^
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sj-carmen sj-carmen
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Posted 07 July 2011 - 12:15 PM

U got some epic moments with SuJu and f(x).. im so envy of u..

After this trip which include the interactions with the celebrities, tiffany,sooyoung and jessica has becomes few of my favourites :)

let's wait and hope for smtown london next year :) SMTown hwaiting ^^

just realised...i forgot to upload f(x) autographs >_<
gona edit it now
but yeah i love Jessica and Tiffany now! XD
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Morgane Morgane
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Posted 08 July 2011 - 07:03 AM

Wow thank you for the report :thumbsup:
To meet them you were very lucky,i envy you I admit it ^^
Luna is really a grandhearted person,so nice !!

I'llg o check your YT channel right away ahah
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Forever 9_Forver S♥ne

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Posted 10 July 2011 - 02:09 AM

how lucky lucky lucky you are.
I envy you, hehehe
best and nice experience. I wish I could meet them sometime. SM Town is my biggest dream. They're fsafvhsd gkiepj h ajvsdbavjkbj :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
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지금은 소녀시대!!!

앞으로도 소녀시대!!!

영원히 소녀시대!!!

sj-carmen sj-carmen
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Posted 15 July 2011 - 02:19 PM

Wow thank you for the report :thumbsup:
To meet them you were very lucky,i envy you I admit it ^^
Luna is really a grandhearted person,so nice !!

I'llg o check your YT channel right away ahah

i've FINALLY mastered how to watermark videos! lol
heres the link of Taeyeon returning to hotel: http://www.youtube.c...n_order&list=UL
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pushuphater pushuphater
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Posted 15 July 2011 - 03:27 PM

Wow! You seemed like you remembered every single detail. (: You are so lucky to see them in person! I haven't attended a SM Town before, but I'm planning to someday. Taeyeon does look really small in your fancam lol

I'm jealous of you being able to see and get f(x)'s autographs... anyways, thanks for sharing. (:
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CrazyHyonew CrazyHyonew
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Posted 19 July 2011 - 10:30 PM

You girl are so lucky! I want to meet Luna like srsly. She's such a nice girl. She and Tiffany are like sunshine and jewel, really really precious
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Demon2Angel Demon2Angel
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Posted 06 November 2011 - 07:47 AM

GAHHHH, I'm so jealous of you!

So envious!

A very detailed account. I really had fun reading this. Reading all your epic encounters lol

Thanks for the post ^^
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heerinss heerinss
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Posted 23 November 2011 - 11:20 AM

loved this fan account. ^.^
ahh, so close to the sm artists! you're one veryy lucky person.
ugh, that manager... what's wrong with asking for a quick autograph?
so jealous of you, like really, hehe.
i hope my time will come soon.

*cough* it wont happen cuz they will never come to michigan *cough*
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Posted 24 November 2011 - 03:18 AM

aw my 9 angels always sweet and respectful to everyone. god bless them so much. managers are seriously strict but oh well can't blame them since people can sometimes get out of hand and i guess to protect the artists from embarrassing unflattering pics. once upload the media might get a hold of them and spread it all over the news. anyway you lucky to see SM artists especially Soshi and thanks for sharing. :cool:
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@  Keitaro88 (06:10:00 PM) same
@  SoneStar (05:16:38 PM) have a good days guys...wherever you are.
@  cinderella@y... (03:37:27 PM) done .. hehe
@  yoonashidae2 (06:29:37 AM)

@cinderella@yoona damn i can hear that

@  cinderella@y... (05:28:51 AM) su su su
@  iheartPreSun (03:27:48 AM) hot mess!
@  Keitaro88 (10:34:31 AM) >_> https://pbs.twimg.co...pg&name=900x900
@  datlmhg (04:34:14 AM) .
@  Keitaro88 (05:00:59 PM) out!
@  Keitaro88 (05:00:52 PM) @iheartPreSun same :D
@  Xin<3 (08:23:55 AM) shout!
@  iheartPreSun (12:26:57 AM) @Keitaro88 glad you're still around ^^
@  Keitaro88 (10:07:28 PM) @iheartPreSun sup :D