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[June 2011] SM Town Paris ExperienceThe 2nd concert as I remember it and some 'polite stalker' reports xD

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Tsukishiro Tsukishiro
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Posted 23 June 2011 - 10:44 AM

This is my first ever fan account so please bear with me. I never planned on writing one and I dun like writing in general but I figured I should to have a record of the memories I have whilst they are still fresh and to share what I experienced that the others would want to know. (or not lol) Anybeans..here it goes.

11th June 2011 - 2nd SMTown Paris Concert
(SNSD Focus, of course!)

I still can't believe I was able to go to this concert! I was suppose to watch the first concert at pit area with my UK SONE friends but because of my visa problems, I was left in the UK. It got sorted out on the 10th of June and thanks to people's help (you know who you are, again thank you so much!) I got a prestige ticket for the 2nd concert! I think it was all a blessing in disguise..I remember I was called 'a lucky b****' a few times haha! Anyway, back to the concert..

As I was still in disbelief, I was quite passive throughout f(x)'s performance. I mean, I cheered for them, took pictures of them and even recorded their performance but in the back of my mind it was like 'when will SNSD show up?' and then Jessica showed up with Krystal and performed Tik Tok! I screamed even though Sica was not in my top bias list. My heartbeat was so fast that time and I was nothing near of calming down because SHINee showed up next! I admit I sort of forgot about SNSD while I was watching SHINee (cheers for SHINee fans!) xD Then there was SuJu...not much of a fan but I like Heechul and Leeteuk. Their performances were fun and energetic but again, the craving to see SNSD came back. I'm positive there was a video clip break before SNSD's appearance because right then I felt it! I knew it was my time to see them! I quickly readied my cameras (yes, that's in plural.. I had both my iPhone and digicam out) and I was right..the girls showed up in their fancy and shiny Run Devil Run costumes!!! I screamed like crazy and was shaking so bad! By the end of the performance, I found myself standing by the stairs, just beside the security guy xD I didn't have any good fancams because I was so excited. I stared mostly at Yoona and she looks so pretty! I really love her expressions while performing <3 Yoona is my number one bias (and she still is) and Yuri is my 2nd but during 'Ha Ha Ha' and 'Himnae' performance, Yuri completely stole my attention! She had a solo moment in the right side of the stage whilst the other 8 was at the left and she was just dancing happily there! Also sending heart hand gestures and kisses to fans in the pit... OMG! She was so cuuuuuuute! She stayed mostly in the middle (which is a perfect view for me :3) and on the right side. I would show my video fancam but my voice is all over it and they're embarrassing >.< (I have to learn how to edit them out first lol) There were bits of YoonYul moments too which made me even happier *YoonYul shipper if you haven't figured it out yet* xD The girls then introduced themselves. (or maybe this was in between the two songs? I'm not so sure now) Anyway, I screeeeeeeeeeeeeamed so much while they were at it because there were so close and static which makes it easier to stare at them xD Seohyun was cute during the introduction when she forgot her French lines xD I yelled Yoona's and Yuri's name when they talked and I'd like to believe that Yuri heard me because she smiled wider <3 Again, my photos and video of this moment were bad because of so much involuntary shaking and annoying screaming voice but here are some 'good enough' shots..
My Child

Fast forward to Genie performance! Gawd, I never imagined I would see them perform this live! This is my favourite song and my heart almost stopped when I heard to intro beat! Fans were cheering so loud! It was perfect and the dance break was so awesoooooooooooooome! To top it all up, Tiffany said 'Paris, put it back on!' instead of her usual line!! <3 Because of too much excitement, I accidentally deleted my video of it when I was watching it in our hotel (I know, right? So stupid >.<) but I do have 'good enough' photos..
YoonYul <3
Captured Yoona winking but too bad my camera isn't HD
Umm..yeah..enjoy ;)
SNSD - Genie

Nothing special happened during 'Hoot' performance, at least none that I remember..but it was perfect as usual! So I'll now skip to 'Oh!' which is my second favourite performance next to Genie..Why? Because they were performing in the front platform which means they are nearer to my view!! And the fact that I got Yuri's attention again! Click me <3 Yuri jumped and made the heart sign during her solo part and again, she was soooooooo cute! (See Youngbuck's fancam) I screamed so much and I jumped up and down myself! (LOL embarrassing!) I never thought I'd do that for a girl but yeah.. My admiration for Yuri just grew after that! They were all looking so energetic during the performance and they gave so much fanservice! The fanchant was loud too and you can see the girls were so pleased and happy about it!
Best fanservers!
Could be just my imagination but aren't Yoona and Tiffany looking right at me? :P
If Yuri was in this picture, it would have been soooooooooooooooo perfect <3
SNSD - Oh!

And then there's the Dance Break!! OMG! This part was the best!! Especially for any YoonYul shipper! Sexy and powerful moves from the 'couple' :P Hyoyeon was great too, truly the dancing queen! And Sooyoung was just bursting with sexiness! But for the love of Yoda, Taemin was so haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawt! Minho joined in the latter part of the dance too! AAAAH! So sexy! I think was dying!..desperate for air that time >.< LOL as usual, my fancam was no good and didn't even manage to take a decent photo because well..as I've said..I was dying xD

So erm..back to our lovely SNSD on stage! I think their last performance was Gee. I'll admit that I am not much of a fan of the song but I listen to it anyhow. It really amazes me that they performed it as if they're not tired at all but everyone would know that they're exhausted already judging from their previous performances. I sang along with them and cheered for them like how a good SONE would do - least I can do for giving us such a good show! I dunno if I can call it lucky or a shame but my digicam died just after I took this photo..
SNSD - Gee

All the last performances of the artists were a blast! But nothing beats the ending songs which was SuJu's Sorry Sorry and Hope (I think?)
Some of the girls were in the middle, dancing to Sorry Sorry. I can only remember one of them was Tiffany because I was staring at her that time xD Then they grouped together during the artists' thank you speech. Yoona was doing rap gestures as one of the boys (dunno who) was rapping. So cute! <3 Yuri and Sunny (not sure now) joined in to the silliness for a bit xD Most of you who read the other fan accounts and of course, those who were there, would know that Tiffany and Yuri got the SSF foam hearts and then somehow the foam hearts managed to end up in Sica and Hyoyeon's hands! Yuri was captured in the big screen hugging the SSF foam heart and the fans screamed like crazy, myself included! As some have mentioned, Yuri was clueless she was the reason xD Sooyoung ended up having a green cap (I didn't see how she got it) and posed for the fans! Did I mention that her abs was perfectly flat and sexy? If not, well then..now I will..Sooyoung's abs is perfectly flat and sexy! She definitely climbed up to my bias list! Tiffany noticed the SONEs and SOSHIFIED banner in the pit and I think she was touched that she suddenly said her gratitude to the fans! <3 She also initiated for the girls to line up together and bow one last time while on stage..the other artists were already leaving the stage by that time but the girls stayed and humbly thanked us one more time..it was really touching. <3 Tiffany continued to say thanks that Sooyoung had to grab her towards the exit xD She noticed Sooyoung's green cap and reached for it but Sooyoung gestured something like 'No, it's mine' with a smile...and then poof! They disappeared to the exit.... T_T

But......It was not the last of SNSD I saw!! fghaeiogjpaqegjbmwseiaui!! I met them the next day, while we were on our way to Eiffel Tower! OMG! I will write about it tomorrow (maybe) as this fan account has gotten longer than I planned to be..LOL I dun even like writing >.>

Edited by Tsukishiro, 23 June 2011 - 05:30 PM.

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♥ YoonAddict | YoonYul Trooper 

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Posted 23 June 2011 - 11:18 AM

looks like I missed quite a bit from the second night....they were so strict about your seats otherwise I would have opted for the Pits. Had someone escort me to my seat psssh and had the guts to ask me for TIPS :thumbdown:
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As a Taeganger, I promise to despise all aegyo, to remain secretive with my butt fetishes,
and to laugh whenever and however I want, to spread my 'amajjing' engrish
to everyone,
to do everything I can to help Taeyeon in her quest to conquer the world,
and to wear a moustache to make my Taeyeon proud!

kangaroo_girl kangaroo_girl
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Posted 23 June 2011 - 11:57 AM

Looking forward to the second part of the fanaccount!
Wow so much stuff I didnt notice, obviously I was looking elsewhere lol.
Also don't worry I keep thinking Sooyoung,Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Sica looked right at me too.
So its ok, you're not crazy!
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Now its Girls Generation and Forever SOne

love_taeyeon_uk love_taeyeon_uk
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Posted 23 June 2011 - 02:15 PM

wow yeah u were so lucky and i still think it was u who made me a bit deaf wiv all the screaming but it was fun night. not to mention u were dressed like them aswell (the skirt) lol. i think we were the only sone on that side lmao but hey we did a good job for cheering on them :thumbsup: can't wait to read the 2nd part
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jerayul jerayul
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Posted 23 June 2011 - 03:50 PM

wow thanks for sharing ! and you know what ? i envy you so much because you'd already saw snsd personally kekeke :p: well im stil looking forward to see them and when it happens maybe its ok if i will die tomorrow haha :whoops: just kidding !
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Tsukishiro Tsukishiro
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Posted 23 June 2011 - 05:52 PM

looks like I missed quite a bit from the second night....they were so strict about your seats otherwise I would have opted for the Pits. Had someone escort me to my seat psssh and had the guts to ask me for TIPS :thumbdown:

Too busy fanboying to Taeyeon and Sooyoung, maybe? ;p The security around my area was so different though..the woman who guided me didn't ask for any tip and that was suppose to guard the entrance took off in the middle of the concert xD

Looking forward to the second part of the fanaccount!
Wow so much stuff I didnt notice, obviously I was looking elsewhere lol.
Also don't worry I keep thinking Sooyoung,Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Sica looked right at me too.
So its ok, you're not crazy!

Ahaha! Says by someone who self proclaimed she was crazy? I'm more worried now! LOL just kidding ;p

wow yeah u were so lucky and i still think it was u who made me a bit deaf wiv all the screaming but it was fun night. not to mention u were dressed like them aswell (the skirt) lol. i think we were the only sone on that side lmao but hey we did a good job for cheering on them :thumbsup: can't wait to read the 2nd part

OMG! How could I forget to include that in! Yeah..I was wearing the same skirt as SNSD! Bwahaha! B) xD

I will not argue that I may have been made you deaf but it was not only me D: ..a lot of elves were screaming behind us as well and their voices were so loud and high pitched >.<

wow thanks for sharing ! and you know what ? i envy you so much because you'd already saw snsd personally kekeke :p: well im stil looking forward to see them and when it happens maybe its ok if i will die tomorrow haha :whoops: just kidding !

Aaaw! Dun die yet! You're time will come to meet the girls :thumbsup: Honestly, I never thought I would meet them and I still can't believe it! I guess I'm just lucky..:bunny:

~ ~ ~

Please look forward to the second part of my fan account..I will try to include everything I can remember and to be as descriptive as I can :3

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♥ YoonAddict | YoonYul Trooper 

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Tsukishiro Tsukishiro
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Posted 30 June 2011 - 07:01 AM

Alright, here goes my 2nd attempt to document my SM Town Paris Experience! I started writing this after the first fan account but got caught up with some stuff so I only finished it now. My friends' names were replaced by initials as I'm not sure if they want to be mentioned or not. I have no photos nor videos to back up my story because we're 'polite stalkers' as KG quoted it (or just scared to be kicked out by managers xD) and I'm purely depending on my memories here but I can assure you these are real...I tried hard to differentiate my fantasies from the reality lol

12th June 2011 - Meeting SNSD (except Jessica) in a restaurant in Paris
So yeah..me and my friends we're scheduled to go back to the UK on this day but our train doesn't leave until 5pm-ish so we planned to roam around Paris for a bit. Since I was not able to join them on the first two days, they were kind enough and agreed to go with me to Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and some other tourist spot which name I forgot. We were having fun walking around, taking pictures of random buildings, vandalising bridges (lol) whilst we venture to the Eiffel Tower's direction - our 'supposed to be first' destination. We were close, I think one said we were like 10-15minutes away from the tower when one of us (I owe this girl a LOT)
got a text from N (a very lucky fan who-must-not-be-named Gawd! I owe this girl a lot too!) that SNSD went to a restaurant near their hotel. We instantly discussed what were going to do. Majority wanted to go to the restaurant whilst some were indifferent (I was one of those, to be honest) It was my first time in Paris so I really wanted to see at least the Eiffel tower and didn't think that we're be able to go near the girls so I thought why would we waste time..but soon I realised that Eiffel Tower isn't going anywhere whilst the chance to see the girls off-stage / off-cam would never come again. And I was proven wrong with the latter thought too....we were able to get close!!

After deciding we'll go after them, we immediately hailed for taxis. It was a pain, by the way! >.> But, moving on...I was one of those who took the first car, along with KG, KF and S (username initials) and arrived at the restaurant first. We stood in front of the restaurant, contemplating what to do and at the same time, fighting the temptation to go inside. We didn't want to ambush them as they were having a meal and they deserve a break from the craziness. I repeatedly said 'let's not stay here, we look suspicious' but I just really want to sit somewhere xD We waited for the others to arrive and when they did, we concluded that someone 'looking normal' should go in and check. By looking normal we meant not an obvious SNSD fan xD Everyone was either wearing a SNSD/SMTown merchandise or just very obvious except for me and JR (another username initial) and he immediately volunteered himself! After he did, I sort of felt desperate and jealous. All of them have seen the girls off-stage everyday whilst in Paris and I mentioned that. Again, they were so kind and agreed to let me have the chance. (I love you guys!) So yeah, I entered the restaurant with JR and immediately looked for she-who-must-not-be-named. She was dining in the restaurant with a girl I haven't met before but JR knew her *cough* an ELF *cough* xD We joined their table, I sat beside the elf friend (lols at the nicknames), opposite
N, and I blatantly asked 'where are they?'. N pointed their direction and mentioned 'I can only see Sunny through the mirror reflection'. Naturally, I glanced at the mirror first, and true enough, I saw Sunny smiling at their conversation! She's not on top of my bias list but loved what I saw none the less. My heart was beating so fast and nothing's registering to my brain. I felt like I lost consciousness so I looked around trying to calm myself down...The space between us and the girls has not registered to me at first but we were not more than two metres away from their table!! I could hear their conversation (If only I can understand Korean! Dang! ><) and most of all, I could hear them laughing!! <3 After I regained composure, I finally noticed that Yoona and Sooyoung were just in front of me!! It's probably the angle difference why N can only see the reflection but from where I was sitting, I can clearly see the two sitting beside each other, happily conversing whilst eating/playing with food xD They were dining with non-popular Korean people, probably their managers or something..Meh, scary folks! Yoona and Sooyoung were sandwiched by two of them, one girl and one dude >.> The other SNSD were seated opposite them which is sadly blocked by a wall from our view but as mentioned earlier, there's a mirror behind Yoona and we can see Sunny and Hyoyeon from the reflection :3

N and Elf ate their course (lol at the fact that they had no idea what they were eating xD) whilst we chatted about the concert. Of course, like any other fan, I was constantly stealing glances to the SNSD table. There were a few moments that I saw Yoona looked our way (probably because were just in front of them) and I seriously had eye contact with her!!! More than once! skafjeiogjpaegnfnjalkefmawakrja! It was so hard to contain excitement, so hard to resist the temptation of taking my camera out, but I needed to behave because if I mess up, N and Elf (not to mention my friends that are waiting outside) will kill me >< So I stayed seated, gripping and scratching the ends of our table to vent out excitement (and frustration) Their meal went on..and I continued to stare at Yoona and Sooyoung. Few minutes has passed and there it was..the first strike at my sanity! At one point, Yoona smiled shyly at me and I was seriously shocked! idfjdlgkjdgbkmdfmhlaedogfkjlm!! I dunno, maybe she caught me involuntarily smiling whilst staring at her..or probably I was looking stupidly awestruck..Gawd I hope it was the former even though that would look stupid too lol xD I stood up after that, walked back and forth in front of our table and debated with myself whether or not to rush to the SNSD table, whether or not to take a photo. I'm proud to report that better senses won and I sat back.

Fast forward to when I needed to go to the toilet xD

N, Elf and JR probably thought I used the toilet as an excuse to walk pass the SNSD table but I really needed to go. But I can't blame them..The toilet was just parallel to the SNSD table xD I walked towards it, staring at Yoona until I reached the toilet door. *censored toilet business lol* When I came out, the view was....erm....I dunno how to describe it but I saw all 8 of them! I can't remember their sitting arrangement anymore but I know Sunny and Hyoyeon was sitting opposite Yoona and Sooyoung. We were not sure that all of them (except Jessica) were there until that moment. I noted that Tiffany was the girl closest to our table but with her back on us! lol I would never knew if I haven't gone to the toilet xD I stayed standing in front of the toilet longer than a normal person would..again awestruck! >< I managed to walk back to our table and the girls were just about to have desserts. Oddly, same as my friends. I continued my creepy new hobby of staring at Yoona and Sooyoung while they eat but this time, I spared a couple of glances at Tiffany's back xD I really sound like a creep now LOL

Fast forward to the end of the luncheon..this is the highlight of my trip as this was when I saw Yoona up close..like inches close! And was personally greeted by Yuri...twice!! <3

N and Elf finished their meals a bit earlier than the SNSD so I stood up to give them space but whilst they were busy paying/getting ready to leave, SNSD and their scary friends started to move as well! Such luck! I forgot to mention that the table we had was on the side of the hallway which is the only way to go out of the restaurant. I was really lucky because SNSD walked passed our way to go out..they were just literally inches from me then!! And because I stood up from the table, I was sort of in their way but I couldn't move! The hallway's space is small and is most likely a one-way hallway but I'm small so they managed to get through xD I'm glad I did not faint that time and was able to witness Yoona check herself in the mirror behind me - I was standing slightly on Yoona's left side but I was in between Yoona and the wall with a mirror - so it was like she was fixing herself in front of me! My gaaaaaaawd! She's 48503948604593490 prettier up close! <3 It was as if that moment wasn't enough to kill me and the second strike at my sanity appeared! ..Yuri! She was a bit behind from the girls (honestly, I didn't notice she hasn't passed us yet because I was awestruck with the 7 SNSD up close) and was only walking with two Korean dudes and one girl. I was just recovering from the 7 amazing girls who just walked pass me (I was still standing in the way lol) and when I turned around, Yuri was there..standing right in front of me!! I was shocked and I think she was too xD I dunno what kind of face I had that time but whatever it was, it made Yuri smile, tilt her head forward and say 'annyeonghaseyo' <3 <3 <3 I dunno how to speak Korean but heck! I knew what that meant! I just wished I wasn't too dumbfounded and replied to her..but sadly, I was so shocked that I only managed to tilt my head forward out of reflex and smiled like a fool >< Yuri went to the toilet after that..lol my face was that horrible!? XD Anyways..to resist the temptation of following Yuri to the toilet (can I get creepier than this? XD) I went out to follow the other SNSD...and my friends who left me behind ._. My other friends were waiting outside and they were standing in the alley right where the SNSD used to walk towards their vans. We all have a good sense of direction! Har! They followed the girls to the vehicles but me and S stayed behind..I stood next to S and told him that Yuri is still inside. It wasn't long of a wait until Yuri came out and she walked in our direction, same alley, like the other girls. She probably noticed us admiring her and she nodded once to us! <3 I wouldn't count on her remembering me, the shocked girl from earlier, but if she did, well...wooooooow! I'll be most honoured! She was with the same girl from the restaurant and the woman seemed scary so I didn't try to ask for an autograph or took pictures. I didn't have a pen that time too so bleh >< Yuri followed the others to the vans' direction soon after and we did so as well. My other friends were standing by the vans when I got there, calling out their favourite member's name, saying 'I'm sorry that we have disturbed you' and things like, 'have a safe trip' and 'we're from the UK' xD I didn't say anything but I did get near to the vans to see them. The scary managers wouldn't let the girls give autographs but they didn't shove us away either. So we just stood there, waving at the girls and they waved back!! <3 I think they were rather nice compared to the other artists who probably close the doors. Tiffany even said 'I'm so sorry we cant sign..thank you for coming' or something with that context in English!! Her voice and accent is so cute! <3 There were more waving and greeting after that..but in the end, we left first as our train going back home will leave soon.

Whilst we were checking in, she-who-must-not-be-named phoned us (if you read the other fan accounts, you'd probably figured out who's this girl by now lol) and spazzed about meeting Jessica in a museum with her mum and she managed to get an autograph! And a photo with her! OMG! We were so jealous and regretted that we left >.< But oh wells..What I experienced is enough and I shall treasure the memories.

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♥ YoonAddict | YoonYul Trooper 

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Posted 30 June 2011 - 10:45 AM

lol I laughed so hard at some parts lol. Yoona checking herself out infront of you lol!
It would be funny if you just fainted and blocked SNSD from leaving, maybe Yoona would of helped you up lol.

Yeah omg I think we were seriously lost for words. We were so so close, I was close enough to touch them....but ofcos being "nice stalkers" we were good enough to just stand still and stare at them lol......

good memories!
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Now its Girls Generation and Forever SOne

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Posted 30 June 2011 - 12:23 PM

im so envy of u getting YoonYul moments... nvm next smtown (probably london) i will try to get more Tae/Yoon/Soo/Tiff moments :)
like the fact that we're called 'polite stalkers' tho hehe
btw, N/she-who-must-not-be-named sounds like female voldemort LOL
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Posted 30 June 2011 - 05:52 PM

man....i was waiting on one of them to go to the toilet so i could get autograph/photo....BUT NOOOOOOOO
Like usual...even though i was THERE...i must have been off in my own world and not notice my surrounding X_X
why was i so dumb...i didn't even know they went to the toilet...

Alright, here goes my 2nd attempt to document my SM Town Paris Experience! I started writing this after the first fan account but got caught up with some stuff so I only finished it now. My friends' names were replaced by initials as I'm not sure if they want to be mentioned or not. I have no photos nor videos to back up my story because we're 'polite stalkers' as KG quoted it (or just scared to be kicked out by managers xD) and I'm purely depending on my memories here but I can assure you these are real...I tried hard to differentiate my fantasies from the reality lol

12th June 2011 - Meeting SNSD (except Jessica) in a restaurant in Paris
So yeah..me and my friends we're scheduled to go back to the UK on this day but our train doesn't leave until 5pm-ish so we planned to roam around Paris for a bit. Since I was not able to join them on the first two days, they were kind enough and agreed to go with me to Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and some other tourist spot which name I forgot. We were having fun walking around, taking pictures of random buildings, vandalising bridges (lol) whilst we venture to the Eiffel Tower's direction - our 'supposed to be first' destination. We were close, I think one said we were like 10-15minutes away from the tower when one of us (I owe this girl a LOT)
got a text from N (a very lucky fan who-must-not-be-named Gawd! I owe this girl a lot too!) that SNSD went to a restaurant near their hotel. We instantly discussed what were going to do. Majority wanted to go to the restaurant whilst some were indifferent (I was one of those, to be honest) It was my first time in Paris so I really wanted to see at least the Eiffel tower and didn't think that we're be able to go near the girls so I thought why would we waste time..but soon I realised that Eiffel Tower isn't going anywhere whilst the chance to see the girls off-stage / off-cam would never come again. And I was proven wrong with the latter thought too....we were able to get close!!

After deciding we'll go after them, we immediately hailed for taxis. It was a pain, by the way! >.> But, moving on...I was one of those who took the first car, along with KG, KF and S (username initials) and arrived at the restaurant first. We stood in front of the restaurant, contemplating what to do and at the same time, fighting the temptation to go inside. We didn't want to ambush them as they were having a meal and they deserve a break from the craziness. I repeatedly said 'let's not stay here, we look suspicious' but I just really want to sit somewhere xD We waited for the others to arrive and when they did, we concluded that someone 'looking normal' should go in and check. By looking normal we meant not an obvious SNSD fan xD Everyone was either wearing a SNSD/SMTown merchandise or just very obvious except for me and JR (another username initial) and he immediately volunteered himself! After he did, I sort of felt desperate and jealous. All of them have seen the girls off-stage everyday whilst in Paris and I mentioned that. Again, they were so kind and agreed to let me have the chance. (I love you guys!) So yeah, I entered the restaurant with JR and immediately looked for she-who-must-not-be-named. She was dining in the restaurant with a girl I haven't met before but JR knew her *cough* an ELF *cough* xD We joined their table, I sat beside the elf friend (lols at the nicknames), opposite
N, and I blatantly asked 'where are they?'. N pointed their direction and mentioned 'I can only see Sunny through the mirror reflection'. Naturally, I glanced at the mirror first, and true enough, I saw Sunny smiling at their conversation! She's not on top of my bias list but loved what I saw none the less. My heart was beating so fast and nothing's registering to my brain. I felt like I lost consciousness so I looked around trying to calm myself down...The space between us and the girls has not registered to me at first but we were not more than two metres away from their table!! I could hear their conversation (If only I can understand Korean! Dang! ><) and most of all, I could hear them laughing!! <3 After I regained composure, I finally noticed that Yoona and Sooyoung were just in front of me!! It's probably the angle difference why N can only see the reflection but from where I was sitting, I can clearly see the two sitting beside each other, happily conversing whilst eating/playing with food xD They were dining with non-popular Korean people, probably their managers or something..Meh, scary folks! Yoona and Sooyoung were sandwiched by two of them, one girl and one dude >.> The other SNSD were seated opposite them which is sadly blocked by a wall from our view but as mentioned earlier, there's a mirror behind Yoona and we can see Sunny and Hyoyeon from the reflection :3

N and Elf ate their course (lol at the fact that they had no idea what they were eating xD) whilst we chatted about the concert. Of course, like any other fan, I was constantly stealing glances to the SNSD table. There were a few moments that I saw Yoona looked our way (probably because were just in front of them) and I seriously had eye contact with her!!! More than once! skafjeiogjpaegnfnjalkefmawakrja! It was so hard to contain excitement, so hard to resist the temptation of taking my camera out, but I needed to behave because if I mess up, N and Elf (not to mention my friends that are waiting outside) will kill me >< So I stayed seated, gripping and scratching the ends of our table to vent out excitement (and frustration) Their meal went on..and I continued to stare at Yoona and Sooyoung. Few minutes has passed and there it was..the first strike at my sanity! At one point, Yoona smiled shyly at me and I was seriously shocked! idfjdlgkjdgbkmdfmhlaedogfkjlm!! I dunno, maybe she caught me involuntarily smiling whilst staring at her..or probably I was looking stupidly awestruck..Gawd I hope it was the former even though that would look stupid too lol xD I stood up after that, walked back and forth in front of our table and debated with myself whether or not to rush to the SNSD table, whether or not to take a photo. I'm proud to report that better senses won and I sat back.

Fast forward to when I needed to go to the toilet xD

N, Elf and JR probably thought I used the toilet as an excuse to walk pass the SNSD table but I really needed to go. But I can't blame them..The toilet was just parallel to the SNSD table xD I walked towards it, staring at Yoona until I reached the toilet door. *censored toilet business lol* When I came out, the view was....erm....I dunno how to describe it but I saw all 8 of them! I can't remember their sitting arrangement anymore but I know Sunny and Hyoyeon was sitting opposite Yoona and Sooyoung. We were not sure that all of them (except Jessica) were there until that moment. I noted that Tiffany was the girl closest to our table but with her back on us! lol I would never knew if I haven't gone to the toilet xD I stayed standing in front of the toilet longer than a normal person would..again awestruck! >< I managed to walk back to our table and the girls were just about to have desserts. Oddly, same as my friends. I continued my creepy new hobby of staring at Yoona and Sooyoung while they eat but this time, I spared a couple of glances at Tiffany's back xD I really sound like a creep now LOL

Fast forward to the end of the luncheon..this is the highlight of my trip as this was when I saw Yoona up close..like inches close! And was personally greeted by Yuri...twice!! <3

N and Elf finished their meals a bit earlier than the SNSD so I stood up to give them space but whilst they were busy paying/getting ready to leave, SNSD and their scary friends started to move as well! Such luck! I forgot to mention that the table we had was on the side of the hallway which is the only way to go out of the restaurant. I was really lucky because SNSD walked passed our way to go out..they were just literally inches from me then!! And because I stood up from the table, I was sort of in their way but I couldn't move! The hallway's space is small and is most likely a one-way hallway but I'm small so they managed to get through xD I'm glad I did not faint that time and was able to witness Yoona check herself in the mirror behind me - I was standing slightly on Yoona's left side but I was in between Yoona and the wall with a mirror - so it was like she was fixing herself in front of me! My gaaaaaaawd! She's 48503948604593490 prettier up close! <3 It was as if that moment wasn't enough to kill me and the second strike at my sanity appeared! ..Yuri! She was a bit behind from the girls (honestly, I didn't notice she hasn't passed us yet because I was awestruck with the 7 SNSD up close) and was only walking with two Korean dudes and one girl. I was just recovering from the 7 amazing girls who just walked pass me (I was still standing in the way lol) and when I turned around, Yuri was there..standing right in front of me!! I was shocked and I think she was too xD I dunno what kind of face I had that time but whatever it was, it made Yuri smile, tilt her head forward and say 'annyeonghaseyo' <3 <3 <3 I dunno how to speak Korean but heck! I knew what that meant! I just wished I wasn't too dumbfounded and replied to her..but sadly, I was so shocked that I only managed to tilt my head forward out of reflex and smiled like a fool >< Yuri went to the toilet after that..lol my face was that horrible!? XD Anyways..to resist the temptation of following Yuri to the toilet (can I get creepier than this? XD) I went out to follow the other SNSD...and my friends who left me behind ._. My other friends were waiting outside and they were standing in the alley right where the SNSD used to walk towards their vans. We all have a good sense of direction! Har! They followed the girls to the vehicles but me and S stayed behind..I stood next to S and told him that Yuri is still inside. It wasn't long of a wait until Yuri came out and she walked in our direction, same alley, like the other girls. She probably noticed us admiring her and she nodded once to us! <3 I wouldn't count on her remembering me, the shocked girl from earlier, but if she did, well...wooooooow! I'll be most honoured! She was with the same girl from the restaurant and the woman seemed scary so I didn't try to ask for an autograph or took pictures. I didn't have a pen that time too so bleh >< Yuri followed the others to the vans' direction soon after and we did so as well. My other friends were standing by the vans when I got there, calling out their favourite member's name, saying 'I'm sorry that we have disturbed you' and things like, 'have a safe trip' and 'we're from the UK' xD I didn't say anything but I did get near to the vans to see them. The scary managers wouldn't let the girls give autographs but they didn't shove us away either. So we just stood there, waving at the girls and they waved back!! <3 I think they were rather nice compared to the other artists who probably close the doors. Tiffany even said 'I'm so sorry we cant sign..thank you for coming' or something with that context in English!! Her voice and accent is so cute! <3 There were more waving and greeting after that..but in the end, we left first as our train going back home will leave soon.

Whilst we were checking in, she-who-must-not-be-named phoned us (if you read the other fan accounts, you'd probably figured out who's this girl by now lol) and spazzed about meeting Jessica in a museum with her mum and she managed to get an autograph! And a photo with her! OMG! We were so jealous and regretted that we left >.< But oh wells..What I experienced is enough and I shall treasure the memories.

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Posted 01 July 2011 - 03:19 AM

Polite UK Stalkers strike again !

Going in this restaurant was just crazy =)

I'm glad you could "scout" and share your adventure with SONEs.

I guess a lot of SONEs were wearing these pink Soshified shirts and it would have been really weird to invade the restaurant.
However, it would have been really fun ... let's just imagine :thumbup:

I'm sure girls were really amazed by how far you can go to meet them outside the concert.

At that time, I was like, I would never stalk them like that.
But know, I'm like, this can be funny, and the way you managed to stay polite and shy, you can go for it !
Girls seem to appreciate being surrounder by SONEs after all :turned:

"I'm proud to report that better senses won and I sat back."
This was awesome.
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Demon2Angel Demon2Angel
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Posted 06 November 2011 - 08:23 AM

this is actually a really nice post.

I am so envious that you get to personally meet them :0

I keep saying I wish I could meet them lol..

Well, it's an honest wish :X

Anyway, nice fan account ^^
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