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[06.10.11] SMTown Paris 1st concertconcert + after concert seeing Sooyoung

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Kkabbekky Kkabbekky
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Posted 13 June 2011 - 01:17 PM

I need to write all this down now that every detail is still in my head lol I will never forget this amazing experience!

Friday June 10th

Since monday of the week SMTown would be, I was counting down the whole time. And then after 4 boring days at work it was finally D-day. I had to leave really early (5am) to catch my train to Brussels and from there I would take the Thalys to Paris. It was only a 1 hour and 20 minutes train ride to Paris and when I arrived there I immediately took the subway to the Zenith. I saw some people with weird clothes (some person dressed up as pikachu with a Sooyoung cap nonetheless lol) and there were already lots of people lining up at 9am in the morning. But I had a seating ticket so there was no need for me to line up already. Instead I decided to check if Nadege and Dandan were awake already so we could meet up. They were awake but not ready yet to meet. So I waited for a while and saw all kinds of crazy fans lol (some elfs wore weird clothes XD) and I was happy after a while when I saw a guy with a pink ssf t-shirt haha.

Then I finally was able to meet Dandan and her sister. They were really nice and Dandan gave me my ticket for the 2nd concert. Well since she had pit tickets, she had to line up and I was left again to wait for Nadege and also Elena this time. I have been talking with Elena via skype for almost one year now and I was actually pretty nervous to meet her. I met her at the subway station with her mom. The first meeting was pretty awkward lol. Elena also had to get her ticket from a girl first and we waited to meet up with Nadege so we could all walk to our hotel (we were in the same Etap hotel like many other sones ^^). After a while we were able to find Nadege but she was very shy and talked with us through her phone, cuz she was afraid to talk in English. After that we decided to look for our hotel but that turned out not to be so easy. Nadege decided to ask someone the way to our hotel, but we got send the wrong way and so Elena's mom asked like almost every passerby for the way to the hotel. lol In the end Elena's mom found out how to get there. But we divided up. So me and Nadege went to the place where the ssf bundles would be distributed and Elena and her mom went to the hotel.

We arrived at the place the ssf bundles were distributed at the back of the Zenith, stayed for a while talking and then went to the hotel. We got lost again along the way... lol (Nadege gets lost easily XD) But eventually we arrived, not for long cuz after putting on our ssf t-shirt and eating some snacks, we had to head back out. We went back to the ssf meetup place at the back of the Zenith to get our glowing bracelets (me and Elena had pink and purple ones for f(x) haha) and then went to the front of the Zenith, where we saw some people walking around with SMTown goodies. We wanted them too of course so we tried to get in, but the security wouldn't let us. So we decided to go eat McDonalds (I'm sure they did good business cuz during those 2 days a lot of fans went there to eat lol). Me and Elena took a happy meal and Nadege was teasing us and couldn't believe non-children took happy meals lol Well it was just the right portion for me :D In the McDonalds we saw some other girls with SMTown goodies, so Nadege wanted me to ask them how to get them. They told us we could just go line up for them on the side.

The weather was pretty horrible and while lining up for the goodies it started raining, and we had only one umbrella for us 3. Lining up for the goodies was pretty crazy. There were some girls who started lining up behind us but after a while they were in front of us. And the more you went to the front the more you got pushed/squashed. Pretty crazy. I even told off some girl who was trying to go in front of me to get back in line. (of course she didn't listen...oh well) After a while we finally got our stuff (I got yultisic fans ^^) and this woman with a camera came towards us. Me and Nadege ran away, but Elena not and she got interviewed with her ssf heart in front of her lol. It think this was around 5pm and we decided to line up. We met another sone, who was Italian. After that we met those girls that were pushing us at the lineup for the goodies... rofl They were like 'And we meet again' lol

Anyways after that it still took around 1.5 hours until we could finally go in. It took pretty long (my back and feet started hurting and I needed to pee rofl) so I was super happy when I could finally get in. I rushed to the toilet and afterwards I looked for my section. (I had vip seats section E) It was already around 6:45pm I think when I entered the venue and the concert would start at 7pm. lol I met Elena again while waiting for this woman to point out our seat, which made everything take longer. I really don't understand why they were there I could've just found my seat myself. Then she pointed my seat and said 'I don't get money for doing this so can you give me a tip'. I was like wth. Then don't do it. lol I wanted to give her like 10 cents but I gave her 1 euro instead. But it's ok I got to see soshi XD

I was checking my surroundings and saw cassies and elfs near me. I did see a girl with a Sunny fan in front of me. ^^ After a short while Elena came looking for me and told me I could take her seat in prestige cuz she was able to switch with someone. OMG I was able to sit right in front of the stage. So I'm very thankful to Elena and to Monty0hm (Molly) for switching with Elena. ^^ At least I got to sit with more sones \o/

Before the concert started they showed some videos of the artist and shinee, suju and dbsk got the most cheers. Also people would chant group names in the beginning except for SNSD and f(x) >< We also had this non-stop wave in the beginning lol At around 7:30 pm the concert finally started. The intro vid was like Yunho and some other guys with ropes pulling a house. And omg Yoona and Sica in the airplane. haha super cute. Then I saw f(x) running to the main stage and they sang Lachata. They got a lot of cheers. Me and the girl beside me just sang the whole song with. ^^ (I loved the girl beside me she cheered for everyone and sang with every song) Then f(x) introduced themselves and seriously Amber got so many cheers lol Krystal introduced that she would be doing the next song with Sica. So I went crazy, cuz I love the Tik Tok perf. Omg when Sica came out I just screamed lol She was wearing red skinny jeans with this short white/black t-shirt revealing her abs. She is just so pretty. Everybody sang the song and I saw the Jung sisters smiling a lot. They looked super happy.

After them came Shinee and Suju. (I'll skip that part) Maknae came out to sing her 'Way back into love' duet with Kyuhyun afterwards. She wore this white dress and she was just so gorgeous. Really angel-like. She came out from the left side and I just screamed her name lol Even though it was a slow song I couldn't help myself. First she stayed in the back and after Kyuhyun finished his part they walked to the front. I was happy Seohyun was on our side. :) lol everybody was sitting down only me and Elena were standing up and screaming for Seohyun. But she was super focused I tell you. She just stood there looking right in front of her, not moving a bit. Maknae is just too awesome. Then towards the ending of the song they walked towards each other and held each other hands. Even elfs thought they were super cute. ^^

Then I saw all of soshi running out in the black glittery coats. And I just went totally crazy then, screaming and such. I tried to do the fanchants, but I was the only one so I only kept it up for like 2-3 lines and then just ended up singing the whole song along with them haha Sooyoung was so hot, her hair was just wow and she winked. gaah Every time Yuri would sing her part I just yelled her name lol couldn't help myself. Then was time for the introductions. Taeyeon started first and then Sica. She and Tiffany spoke in English. But honestly every time they talked I just screamed my lungs out so I don't really know what they said lol and I couldn't really understand all the French translations.(fail me) Yuri's introduction was super cute. Her pronunciation of Je suis hihi (it sounded like juicy :D) and she also said 'Ca va?' (everything ok?) and the crowd yelled. When Sooyoung came up there were a lot of cheers. She also tried speaking French but she forgot her line cuz she was shaking her head. So she just decided to speak in Korean. Then was Hyoyeon up and I tell you there was some crazy cheering there. lol Like the whole venue screamed for her. She was so happy and the girls were so happy for her and smiling. ^^ I couldn't even hear what Hyoyeon said and she couldn't even speak either at first lol After her was Sunny and she also got lots of cheers. I would say first Hyo, then Sunny and then Sooyoung for the amount of cheers. haha

After their introduction they sang My child. :) First they stayed at the back and after a while they came marching to the front stage with Taeyeon ahead. They were super cute. After marching to both sides of the stage they lined up next to each other and sang the ending part of the song. I saw Hyosica holding hands. ^^ Yuri doing her usual hand moves during My child song. After this was Kissing you and the cheers were loud. The girls sang dudududu and held their mics up so that people would sing 'kissing you baby' and 'loving you baby'. Everyone near me did! It was awesome. Yuri was super cute (sorry I'm Yuri biased) she did this heartpose above her head and jumped up and down. Me and Elena did the heart pose back and even the guy on my right did lol Yuri and her fanservice, you gotta love it. haha Jeti came skipping to the front stage too during kissing you. (I think lol or some other song) Also Yuri like did this gesture towards Seohyun telling her to come to her and they hugged. That was so cute!

Then there were some other perf and after was HaHa song and Himnae. For this one they also split up all over the stage like for Kissing you and I remember Taeyeon and Hyoyeon waving to our side. The girls did all kinds of fanservice during these songs, making sure all parts of the stage were covered. <3

After that was Genie. The girls were wearing white jackets with a black shirt underneath and white shorts. The cheers were really good for this one too! Like people singing malhaebwa etc after them. Fanchants were different than the usual ones but it didn't matter. lol The cheers were amazing and that's all that counts.

Next when they came out they were wearing the golden outfits and stood on the front stage. (I love it when they came up front) I was so happy to be able to see them perform Hoot ^^ I love that song and just sang along with them as loud as I could. After Hoot was Oh and a lot of people knew that song cuz the cheers were amazing too. <3

I'm not sure but I think then was the dance battle. I really love that part and when Yuri came out in that outfit revealing her abs I just screamed her name soooo loud. lol Omg she is amazing. (I was happy I was even closer on the 2nd day ^^) Yoona's abs were also super hot. I really love the butt train part XDD

Their last song was Gee and this song got the most cheers of all their songs. Well it's a very well-known song among k-pop haha. They wore white t-shirts with blue skinny jeans. ^^

Then during the encore (Sorry sorry song) I'm sorry I'm a yurisistable so I mostly looked at what Yuri was doing. I saw her high fiving Minho, but she was mostly with Amber dancing around. I remember at one moment when everyone was in front, Yuri, Hyoyeon, Amber and somebody else (I forgot who) went to the back and were doing dorky dances. haha The SMTown song was also played, they bowed afterwards and that was the end. ^^

Afterwards Nadege, Elena and I went to the back of the Zenith cuz Nadege thought the girls would be coming out from there. We arrived and there weren't many people. We waited a while and then all of a sudden a small van came up and omg Sooyoung was inside!!! We saw her face so clear and she waved at us. She is seriously super pretty! There were 2 other girls with her in the car but I was just so in awe by Sooyoung that I ended up just staring at her and waving back. According to Nadege, Tiffany and Sunny were with her in the car.

Afterwards we went back to our hotel but we got lost again... haha Since it was 1am at night it was pretty dangerous, but there was a kind man, who showed us the way back to our hotel. I needed sleep cuz the next day I would go to the 2nd concert and this time in the pit.

I'll write the 2nd part about the 2nd day tomorrow (if you guys want lol). Since I was super close to the girls for the 2nd concert ^^
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credit yulsic sigs: taeyeon17

Antino Antino
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Posted 13 June 2011 - 01:21 PM

awwwwwwwwwwwww sooo long xDDD
going to read now :P
let's see^^

(tbh, im to lazy to read but i'll just do it coz it's bekky :) xDDD)
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Dandan87 Dandan87
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Posted 13 June 2011 - 01:30 PM

Lol, I know I'm really nice (you see nadage!) :P
Too bad I lost you girls the first night, I should have called Nadage, she doesn't ignore my calls lol.
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Thommas Thommas
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Posted 13 June 2011 - 01:32 PM

I read it all.

Waiting for the second concert.

But how come you heard so many fanchants on friday ? I really found it lacked fanchant a lot.
As most of the girls were Shinee or Suju fans, they didn't know any SNSD fanchant.
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Gaurius Gaurius
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Posted 13 June 2011 - 01:48 PM

Thanks a lot! I was imagining while reading, so felt like i have been to a concert. Waiting for the second day. (But really, just reading your tweets with Nadege about days in Paris made me jealous a lot)
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Kkabbekky Kkabbekky
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Posted 13 June 2011 - 08:31 PM

I read it all.

Waiting for the second concert.

But how come you heard so many fanchants on friday ? I really found it lacked fanchant a lot.
As most of the girls were Shinee or Suju fans, they didn't know any SNSD fanchant.

I think it depends on what section you are in lol Cuz I heard a lot of chants. ^^
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*Team Y's twitter* My twitter*

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credit yulsic sigs: taeyeon17

bhost909 bhost909
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Posted 13 June 2011 - 09:09 PM

This is just the first day? LOL it's so epic already! I'm glad to hear that Hyoyeon got so many screams, the girls weren't the only ones happy for her apparently. Ahhh man I heard that the first day had less SNSD fans there, but that the second had way more screaming for them. Still, it seems like the reception was pretty good for them either way! It also sounds like they got more songs this time compared to LA! I wasn't expecting the HaHa song or My Child to be performed, but hey, I'll take it lol. Captain Taeyeon leading the marching, ahhhhhh *19 year old male squeals like a little girl*. I think the Oh! performance on the second day had Yuri jumping up and down making a heart on her head during her random part, but did she do it on the first day as well? I was thinking while reading that since you're Yuri biased you would remember to mention it, but maybe she didn't do it or something haha.

Thanks for the fan account, and looking forward to the second day! It sounds like it's gonna be even more amazing haha.
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jasmine2210 jasmine2210
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Posted 13 June 2011 - 09:27 PM

wowowowowowow ... Yr fanacc is so osm ... It's a lot but too good for us who couldn't attemp ...
Thanks 4 taking pics and also this fanacc ...
i totally can feel what u wrote down
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liawzxcs_lq liawzxcs_lq
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Posted 14 June 2011 - 06:18 PM

omonaaaa . haha , right in front of the stageee ! i can like totally imagine the hotness the girls are giving . xD hehe . the fanservice the girls gave are daebakkkkk . :D hehe . ohyeasssss . i want part twoooooo of the concert ~ >< pleaseee . haha , thanks for the fanacc ! totally love it . (:
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addin_blackcat addin_blackcat
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Posted 02 November 2011 - 05:41 AM

wow, it surely a great experience to share... i started to miss Seoul again... i really had fun going on student exchange there... the culture are just amazing!
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Demon2Angel Demon2Angel
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Posted 06 November 2011 - 05:56 AM

I'm sure you had a really fun time.

I dream of going to a SNSD concert. Hopefully they would tour in Malaysia too.

I'll so beg my parents to let me go lol

Thanks for the fan account ^^
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@  Keitaro88 (06:10:00 PM) same
@  SoneStar (05:16:38 PM) have a good days guys...wherever you are.
@  cinderella@y... (03:37:27 PM) done .. hehe
@  yoonashidae2 (06:29:37 AM)

@cinderella@yoona damn i can hear that

@  cinderella@y... (05:28:51 AM) su su su
@  iheartPreSun (03:27:48 AM) hot mess!
@  Keitaro88 (10:34:31 AM) >_> https://pbs.twimg.co...pg&name=900x900
@  datlmhg (04:34:14 AM) .
@  Keitaro88 (05:00:59 PM) out!
@  Keitaro88 (05:00:52 PM) @iheartPreSun same :D
@  Xin<3 (08:23:55 AM) shout!
@  iheartPreSun (12:26:57 AM) @Keitaro88 glad you're still around ^^
@  Keitaro88 (10:07:28 PM) @iheartPreSun sup :D