Signed album out to Soshified. Thanks to Sue for all her help during this Journey. Also to Matt & Tiffany, man they're amazing. And as always thanks to the members, donators, moderators, subbers, admins, and everyone that worked so hard to make the b-day projects and the necklaces possible!
I'm proud of all our representatives that showed the girls that they will have fans no matter where they go.
Hopefully they are happy as us.
Also hopefully everyone can now join future b-day projects, because the girls DO KNOW, and they DO Care.
Here's the album that they signed out to Soshified. (Tiffany, Matt, Sue version)
This one has 6/9 Signatures, the only ones missing are Yoona, Taeyeon & Yuri.

Sica one, lol no picture because it had sue's taengsic shidae on it

May we continue to grow as the girls continue to grow.