Community Status Updates

YoonYul^^ → kiaru8168
Thanks for the greeting. SONEs truly are the best. Happy belated birthday.

kiaru8168 → YoonYul^^
hey, just wanted to say happy birthday since I know that I felt really special when I logged on and saw all the birthday wished on my page from random sones. Anyways, I hope you have a great time today and continue to be healthy.

YoonYul^^ → Taeyeonious9
Oh really? Me too. Nice to meet you and thanks for the add. Hahaha

Taeyeonious9 → YoonYul^^
anyeong ^^ im a Yoong bias and a hardcore YoonYul shipper too <3~

SMTownLove → YoonYul^^
annyeong i'm new here teehee ^^ who do you like in snsd ?? wanna be friends??

YoonYul^^ → Soy
Do you still have any thsutleo photobook as extra? I've been looking for one for a long time and I can't seem to find it anywhere.

snsdazzled → YoonYul^^
I'm a bit late for this, but I'm doing it anyway. :D
happy birthday!
hope you have/had a blast. :)
happy birthday!
hope you have/had a blast. :)