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fany girl → xocescaxo
omo cesca >___< it's been so long since I've tuned into one of your radio shows I feel so bad Dx this week will be last chance to tune in before school starts so I will be tuning in this friday :)

♥jessica♥ → xocescaxo
Cesca unnie~~ i heard you are falling for Jessica! yes~~ join the TaengSic boat and sail with us xD

dorkymushroom07 → xocescaxo
Cesca Unnieee~~ ^o^ Annyeong *bear hug* i missed you.. heehee, Happy 5th Anniversary to us =^____^= ♥

ayotaeny → xocescaxo
Annyeong Dj Cesca! :)) just wanna ask something. :) full canadian?

shining9 → xocescaxo
Cesca, i listen your show... It's Fantastic!!! You is my favourite DJ's with DJ's Ava!!!

soshifever01 → xocescaxo
OMG i love listening to your shows!!! i spent the whole time listening to you haha made my whole day in highschool alot more enjoyable

GGSNSDPRIDE → xocescaxo
I downloaded your shows. They are soo amazing. Keep it up!!

Hyoyeon<3<3 → xocescaxo
Your shows are the highlight of my Fridays I look forward to hearing you all week. Thanks for making my life much less boring.

Iciban → xocescaxo
wow first time listening to your show and now i know what the hype is. Soo entertaining! hope to listen to ur shows again! maybe get to talk to you on radio. =DD

beefhamburger → xocescaxo
Thanks for the birthday wish Cesca!! you have been a great friend these past 2 years :) you are an amazing dj and person and i hope for lots of kittehs and taeyeons in your life too! ill tune in on your next show!! -zooooooooom- :3

xocescaxo → beefhamburger
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEEFHAMBURGER! we've been friends for... hmm... almost 2 years now, right? it's been such a long time! you still listen to my radio shows, and i think that's pretty awesome. i hope you have an awesome day full of kittehs and taeyeon!~

Peter♡K ♪ → xocescaxo
Hey Cesca donsaeng do you have radio today please reply back thanks ?