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susil → MIGARI
I haven't checked my profile, so I didn't see your comment until now >_< I have missed you too! Let's talk more often ^^ We don't have rainy seasons here, so I don't know what those are like, so I'm fascinated by it... it must create quite some problems every year, no?

My shoe broke today because of the slight flood O.O It does cause problems here but we're prepared, the winds just get super crazy sometimes >___<
Jul 23 2013 12:07 AM -
Hope it wasn't your favourite shoes >.< The area I live in sometimes flood during storms, since I live at sea level. But even if it only happens during one day or so, every two years, people are always thinking about it and being scared for the next one haha The authorities even forbid new houses to be built in these areas. I think that's crazy ^^;
Jul 23 2013 11:38 PM