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SHYphobia → Gray
may i know why i keep failing to logging in to gallery???? i typed my account and password correctly but keep fail

Jessica 4ever!!! → Gray
hey Gray! i have to ask.. did u do something to the sbox? ^.-

Did you make me the 'Donor'? Honestly actually all I ever wanted was to help SSF gallery, not any title. But since you guys are good in terms of help. It's ok. I was really upset when I found out about it but about the 'donor' thing, if you made it, I appreciate you for appreciated my help.
Mar 04 2013 07:15 AM

mmlovesGG → Gray
hi! good evening. i want to ask about the soshified gallery, cause 2 days ago i clicked on the 'download zip', but i didn't receive an email containing the download link .. thank u . ^^

Escarlate → Gray
Hi~ sorry for bothering you, but my messanger/inbox doesn't work, it keeps loading but never loads. I don't even know if you are the right person that can help me, but please, any advice what to do with it?

I just made a change that should fix the private messages issue. Let me know if you continue to have an issue :)
Feb 07 2013 12:53 AM

AkumaNoMi → Gray
wow great galerry.. hope you keep support.. Hope can talk you more :) thx gray.. i'm very appreciate that

Been trying to change my e-mail and like, i'll get the verification e-mail but it doesn't change when I look at my settings. The old one still shows up and I whatever PMs or notifications I get still get sent to the old e-mail address. :O
Oct 08 2012 10:46 PM

hey.. would you like to help me? my acc cant see anytopic in this forum. i already sent the e-mail confirmation and its not in my inbox until now
Aug 17 2012 03:19 PM

potatoesontuesday → Gray
Hi I have a question- i've been locked out of my old account since 2010. I keep requesting new passwords but nothing is working. Do you know the problem?

keanawanna → Gray
hi i have a question. i been having trouble going on to my profile and also been having problems changing my signature. is there anything i could do to fix this?

Waymon Lee → Gray
gray, it is weird. I have already have 10 post, but i am still not able to shout in the shoutbox?