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snsdazzled → sooyounglegs
seconding your saying. hahaha.
yeah. I kept the song playing over and over again now.. :D
May 16 2010 03:47 AM
yeah. I kept the song playing over and over again now.. :D
sooyounglegs → snsdazzled
Aha, my life is the exact same! Dx But I'd rather spend more time spazzing over K-POP than anything else anyways. :) Yeah, I know. Aha~ I'm so addicted to that song right now. XD
May 15 2010 06:25 PM
snsdazzled → sooyounglegs
not that I can't go out fully.
it's just that, even if I go out. my life is still full of boring scenes. lol. oh. it's not their official tracklist right, so yeah.. don't worry. haha.. heard it!! and I'm blown away. lol.
May 13 2010 09:44 PM
it's just that, even if I go out. my life is still full of boring scenes. lol. oh. it's not their official tracklist right, so yeah.. don't worry. haha.. heard it!! and I'm blown away. lol.
sooyounglegs → snsdazzled
O8 you can't?!
Why not? Aha, I don't really like the song since they went all dark mode and then came out with another cute song. -___- Have you heard Super Junior's BONAMANA?! :DDD
May 13 2010 06:14 PM
Why not? Aha, I don't really like the song since they went all dark mode and then came out with another cute song. -___- Have you heard Super Junior's BONAMANA?! :DDD
snsdazzled → sooyounglegs
haha. yeah, you can say that. lol.
I can't even get out from my own house. >_<''
la la la? the voting song. :)
yeah. heard it. ^_^
May 11 2010 11:56 PM
I can't even get out from my own house. >_<''
la la la? the voting song. :)
yeah. heard it. ^_^
sooyounglegs → snsdazzled
Haha, xD
I bet you're in hibernation until SNSD comes out with new songs. ^___^
Speaking of new songs, have you heard theirs? That La La La one? o:
May 11 2010 05:56 PM
I bet you're in hibernation until SNSD comes out with new songs. ^___^
Speaking of new songs, have you heard theirs? That La La La one? o:
snsdazzled → sooyounglegs
great~ :) me? I'm living in a cave now for god sake. haha. well. not like, for real. but yeah, kind of living in a cave. haha,,
May 08 2010 12:56 AM