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tears of angel
i'm kinda buzy with my exam. so sorry i neglect PMs or anything. I promise i will reply once the exam is finish.. love u all..

tears of angel
seriously... is it like a trend or what that everyone in kpop having blond hair... please do other color or style. kinda boring u know..

tears of angel
so funny that u asking for other people apologies for something that thet didn't do.. fandom are getting worse everyday.. please choose ur idol wisely people..

tears of angel
when u tired.. u will tell urself that u doing this not only for urself but for other people also. so i will never gv up n gv all my best so that i hope there will be a person who will do the same as me or better than me to make people happy...

tears of angel
sometime when u idolize someone its a feeling that u wanna be like ur idol. To be able to reach ur dream no matter wat obstacle in front of u.. jz see that satisfy in the face is jz wat u hope that u could able to reach that feeling where u know that is the reason why u enjoy ur life n true meaning of ur life .. that is truly the happiness in ur life beside finding ur true love..

tears of angel
as long as u happy.. i'm accept things that happening right now..

tears of angel
sometimes its hard to satisfy everyone but as long as i believe in myself i know that is the matter the most..

tears of angel
its been a month already..haha.. v busy.. sorry my ssf chingu.. i miss this place.kekeke..

tears of angel
2011 fills with lots of memory which i owez appreciate it.. before the year change.. i pray for everyone health for next year... hope that 2012 we will owez be strong to face anything and create new memories together.. lets us all prepare a good farewell to 2011 n embrace the year of 2012...

tears of angel
i'm starting my vacation tomorrow until 27 for X'mas so i'm sorry if i'm not replying anything... Btw Sone keeps supporting the girls.. they need us to be happy n happy holidays n Merry Christmas....

tears of angel
sometimes we need to wear mask just to protect ourselve..sorry if i'm not being honest.

tears of angel → kijeok
ur name if in korean means miracle. am i right??? let me know if its true...

tears of angel
honestly some Kpop fanz really scary me which make me really want to leave kpop n listen to other music.. the only things that can relate me to kpop now is only SNSD.. i'm tired listening to other kpop now..