Community Status Updates

snsdawsome → Frozen Hyogurt
Hello :DD
was viewing your profile and thought i should just say hi XD
was viewing your profile and thought i should just say hi XD

Frozen Hyogurt
P.S. If somebody owns my avatar, Please let me know immidiately. I'm gonna credit you.

Cammy → Frozen Hyogurt
Hi HyoHunnie. There is a member ranking going on. Just wanted to let u no to go help Hyo out<3
)if u havent rank already)
)if u havent rank already)

Frozen Hyogurt → beiriri
Annyong, Unnie! :D Miss you! Sorry for not greeting you for your 16th birthday >< super duper belated happy birthday though! I'm sure you had a good one :)

MushroomYX → Frozen Hyogurt
AHahas ;D
I actually lovee all of them ^^"
So included all in my fanfic (:
I actually lovee all of them ^^"
So included all in my fanfic (:

MushroomYX → Frozen Hyogurt
Hahas :) It's okay!
So is HyoHyuk your favourite Super Generation pairings?
So is HyoHyuk your favourite Super Generation pairings?