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gotjackie → SooYoona
oh damn girl. it's been a little whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhile.

Well .. I saw the video on YoonYul channel, and because your interests are Yoona and Yuri, I just assumed you was the jackie of the video :P
Nov 03 2011 03:04 AM

gotjackie → aitanagaiL
Yes it is. But hurry, because the contest is going to close at page 860!

chatterboxn18 → gotjackie
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :D MORE MATURE, MORE PRISTINE, 100% FREAKIN SEVENTEEN :P (holy rhyming is...._.) anyways, have a great day! Hope you had lots of good presents, foods, [YoonYul], etc. OTL to the person who unintentionally brought me into the yoonyul hype. You're freakin awesome X) Happy Birthday again!

Ukigumo → gotjackie
I challenge you to a basketball game, loser has to wear the other's home jersey for a day. The competition is heavily biased towards me. :PPP