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taengoo. → Bjorn Alexis
plz just remember that next time before u use sumones artwork to ask for permission if its not included in a artwork thread. thank you

taengoo. → Bjorn Alexis
kk no worries. good thing i had sum evidence of this encounter. lol

taengoo. → Bjorn Alexis
btw if u dont believe its mine. u wrote on my profile a long time ago that u were "ps.
i totally stole the picture from your about me for my signature
thanks!!" but i didnt give permission for it
i totally stole the picture from your about me for my signature
thanks!!" but i didnt give permission for it

taengoo. → Bjorn Alexis
noo it will be different. because the way u cut it out might be different as mine. as in mine the cutting isnt done as well as another person's. and ur sizing wouldnt be the same...

taengoo. → Bjorn Alexis
yes that is a snsd photo. but i was the one that took out the background of the original photo.

taengoo. → Bjorn Alexis
hi i noticed u were using a png i made as ur sig. plz take it off as i made it for my own personal use. thank you

Bjorn Alexis → seohyunyoona
of course i do birthday buddy. but since youre from then phillipines and im from the states you could be a day older than me.

Jet0716 → Bjorn Alexis
Eh, hi. sorry its months late, but thanks for the birthday wishes. I'm not as social as id like to be on here, but its nice to communicate with when i can.
and of course Sooyoung, Shes just nunts enough to be great!
and of course Sooyoung, Shes just nunts enough to be great!

0713 → Bjorn Alexis
thanks for greeting me. belated happy birthday. :) sorry my reply is late.:D

sunny~ → Bjorn Alexis
oh hei we have the same date of our birthday!!! hahahaha but you're a little bit older than me~~

sunny~ → Bjorn Alexis
annyeong haseyo!!!! it's like a month late but i still want to say thank you..... that was the happiest birthday ever.... so thank you for grreting me.... take care~~ kamsahamnida~~

harumiAi12 → Bjorn Alexis
Thanks for the greeting~ ^^
and sorry for replying VERY late T_T
I know this is super late already but Belated Happy Birthday~! ^^
Thanks for the greeting~ ^^
and sorry for replying VERY late T_T
I know this is super late already but Belated Happy Birthday~! ^^