Community Status Updates

snsd♥2sh → ethereal.
I am glad you do...I am thinking about knowing ourselves was it???

snsd♥2sh → ethereal.
it is so good to be friend with you here in ssf..
so how are you???
so how are you???

ethereal. → pinktruffle
Hi! Aku Nathasya. 15 tahun, sekolah di Singapore hehe.
Salam kenal. :)
Salam kenal. :)

pinktruffle → ethereal.
Salam kenal onnie..
aku Tina dari Jatim,kelas 2 SMP,14 yo
aku Tina dari Jatim,kelas 2 SMP,14 yo

ethereal. → luvshe
Sibuk sekolaaaah huahaha. Sekolah di Singapore tidak sesantai di Indo. Kerjaan gimana? Masih sibuk banget ya?

SooFuntastic → ethereal.
Kmu ska am smua member SNSD y? oh ya, lpa ngenalin dri nh.. (sorry yaa..) namaku Thalitha... 16 thun... SMA klas 2.. klo kmu?