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i always thought we could make it through any challenge life threw at us.

What-"We were almost perfect. The only thing that wasn't perfect was our timing." When-"There is no doubt in my mind that when we were there, we were in love."

"Our love has now become a nostalgic love preserved in a time which neither of us can touch, but know it was there."- The Last

communication is key as long as we have that we'll solve our problems together, or so I thought.

work, school, work, school, I must save up to go see you soon. That is all I can think about these days.

BeYond9dREams → cinna_minn
Dear Girlfriend,
I miss you...that is all
Love, Me
I miss you...that is all
Love, Me

cinna_minn → BeYond9dREams
I will see you later on tonight (: I'll call you from my friends phone

BeYond9dREams → cinna_minn
hahahahaha whatever you say~(; i know what i see *-*