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Tran2K → Nikolas 단디
Oh, why did you come to NL?! xD It's boring here...
Where did you come from btw?
Nov 30 2009 11:23 AM
Where did you come from btw?
Nikolas 단디 → Tran2K
you live in eindhoven too??? I can't speak dutch hehe. nice to meet you^^
Nov 19 2009 02:15 PM
Tran2K → Nikolas 단디
Hey, we wonen ik dezelfde stad XD
Nice to know that I'm not the only one that likes SNSD in my city.
Nov 19 2009 12:18 PM
Nice to know that I'm not the only one that likes SNSD in my city.
Ariel Rebel → Tran2K
Hey, hello there...this is where the ringtone of TaeYeon is (the wake up! alarm, mind you), sorry to be late with it, but better later tan never right?. Link ->
Nov 19 2009 05:08 AM