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Tran2K → Nikolas 단디
Oh, why did you come to NL?! xD It's boring here...
Where did you come from btw?
Where did you come from btw?

Nikolas 단디 → Tran2K
you live in eindhoven too??? I can't speak dutch hehe. nice to meet you^^

Tran2K → Nikolas 단디
Hey, we wonen ik dezelfde stad XD
Nice to know that I'm not the only one that likes SNSD in my city.
Nice to know that I'm not the only one that likes SNSD in my city.

Ariel Rebel → Tran2K
Hey, hello there...this is where the ringtone of TaeYeon is (the wake up! alarm, mind you), sorry to be late with it, but better later tan never right?. Link ->