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MasterSoshi → sayhellotothestars
YOU'RE SAYHELLOTOTHESTARS FROM A-PINK.NET YEAH? I'm vanilla_twilight there ^_______^
Dec 01 2012 05:18 AM
haha yea! HIIIII. haven't visited in a while though ): the forum's down for now right...
Dec 01 2012 08:38 AM
Lovelovelife → MasterSoshi
woahh i didn't check my profil feed for a long time :3 yippe , hi to the 5, they are to cute too be true, and totally love them >.< more than seoji couple tehee
Oct 26 2012 08:27 AM
omg it does!! finally, i have some time to catch up. o u o omg do you know exo??
Aug 12 2012 12:45 AM -
YEAHYEAH of course! I'm still kind of new to them and I've only listened to one song but I really like them ^_^
Aug 12 2012 02:08 AM
sarangsic → MasterSoshi
Sorry for replying so late. I'm fine :) Forum feels a bit dead so I rarely check in. Also because of school and whatnot.
Jul 19 2012 03:31 AM
MasterSoshi → sarangsic
OMG HI I remember you! It's been so long! Sorry for replying so late, I've been so inactive and I never look at my profile feed since it feels so quiet here. How have you been? :)
Jun 30 2012 02:43 AM
sarangsic → MasterSoshi
Hi~ We haven't talked in forever! I was dimples9, btw. I'm just lurking around. I thought all my friends on ssf were dead or something lol
May 24 2012 10:20 AM
Exceeded daily post limit and the afternoon has just started. Perfect.
Jan 01 2012 06:58 PM
Exceeded daily post limit and the afternoon has just started. Perfect.
Jan 01 2012 06:58 PM