Community Status Updates

vanya93 → Hyunmi
hi^^ please watch my dance cover of SHINee Sherlock here : thank you so much (^_~)b

j4rgon → Hyunmi
Hi, nice to meet you! Hope you don't mind I added you as a 友達 :)

vanya93 → Hyunmi
hello^^, please watch my dance cover of The Boys here:
thank you (:
thank you (:

Hyunmi → samanthacg2519
hi, thanks for add me:) my name is Chloe, Japanese Sone. nice to meet you!

Hyunmi → samanthacg2519
hi:) thanks for add me, my name is Chloe. nice to meet you!

Hyunmi → usakopiyoko
hello:) i'm also J-S?NE. but i live in Australia to study English. but i hope we can be friendX) nice to meet you~~

Hyunmi → whitekiss44
hi! thanks for your comment! i had a really good day. and nice to meet you!

Hyunmi → Faith Garcia
hi:) thanks for your message! i had a really happy day. and nice to meet you:)

Faith Garcia → Hyunmi
Happy 20th Birthday I hope all your birthday dreams and wishes come true.