Community Status Updates

Shika → tokio
What are the chances! I saw my icon when I was getting JongSic's Sexy Love audio rip. I can't believe somebody is actually using my icons. Thanks for crediting as well! You could change it from sica_is_love to Shika since this is my SSF account. ^^

AmeTenko → Shika
Just out of curiosity, and because i forgot, did u ever asked to be on the PM List to be ON3? Because it's been updated with 5 chapters alrdy...

Shika → trann9
lol to be on the pm list, i need to comment after every chapter! and i don't even know why we're talking on SSF when we have facebook.

sophie1415 → Shika
lol.. yes I noticed that after I posted the comment. Thank you for telling me though.. :)

Shika → sophie1415
Just like the forum's name, it's for Soshi 'SUBS'. Try reading the forum descriptions too.

sophie1415 → Shika
Ok. thanks for telling me that. If I download the videos from there, do they have the subs in the videos?

Shika → sophie1415
Just came in to tell you that if you want to download videos, you're supposed to go to "SoShi Subs Download Section". Not via Video Gallery. =]

parkseonyang → Shika
hullo, i'll be staying at one of those backpackers hostel within seoul for the extended 5 days