Community Status Updates

lynn'safanylover → jellygateun
You forgot to mention me under your interests tab. Must be hard not having me in your life anymore.

Boboy321 → lynn'safanylover
Happy Birthday!!
Wishing you all the best in the year to come ^_^
Wishing you all the best in the year to come ^_^

leiyuling → lynn'safanylover
woooow fany's shoutout hahaha i just heard about it!
nice!! id like to meet u now hahaha lol jk! :D
nice!! id like to meet u now hahaha lol jk! :D

malasuerte → lynn'safanylover
Fany actually mentioned your name on the sbox?
I must friend you.
I must friend you.

lynn'safanylover → jellygateun
as random as they were... I did enjoy it, rofl. It made my math class less of a hassle to be in (:

jellygateun → lynn'safanylover
i feel special, did you feel special for your shout outs? =)

lynn'safanylover → jellygateun
so.... The first time I've listened to ssf radio for the past year.. happened to be your show. Feel Special

jellygateun → lynn'safanylover
its okay you are out of country, you can compile a list from that far. its only when you are in country that we have a problem =/

lynn'safanylover → jellygateun
1. Everything is bigger in TX
2. You know you love that big ego, more to love
3. Yes, I just compiled a list.
2. You know you love that big ego, more to love
3. Yes, I just compiled a list.