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It's not me who change. I was always the one who carry your lugage, and help you thru thick and thin. Your are the one who change after you met ___ ! All your treatment made me do this! Do you even realized that you treat me as if Im your servant?!

Definetely not a good start for this year. So many miss fortune occured ~sigh~ All i can do is praying and hoping that tmrw will be a better day. Also, one thing I've always wanted to say "Please, don't take me for granted!"

biSCoat → Hwa''
Hey, Wgm`s last chapter is up! Enjoy~

Trust no one, tell your secrets to nobody and no one will ever betray you.

oceanic → Hwa''
Hi, I just posted a new update. Do check it out if you're interested!

Zan → Hwa''

"someday". And i will never know when that day is going to come. It could be today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and so on.

PiiFany → Hwa''
hey, :D im going to add you :D you dont mind right ? :D and thanks for reading my fic eventho its a fail one :D

To forgive someone is the hardest thing to do. Idk how many years i've been trying to be a forgiving person but at the end i keep failed and failing to do so. However, there is no time limit to learn things. so i have to learn when i can =D

I don't know what my gender is in ssf.. I just want to be neutral i guess =B feel free to guess ;)