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(Wahoo, I found the right page for once >.> Dumb me, posting this message into /my/ personal feed first XD) Thanks for the support for Jeongsin 9! I've listened to your remixes and they're all really good. If my money wasn't locked away in mom's bank account (*shakes fist*), I'd bust some off to your indiegogo campaign.
Dec 14 2013 02:36 PM
  • Herogashix's Photo
    Aha, that's alright! Thanks anyway. And thanks for liking my remixes/tracks! I'm still learning, but I really wish to go professional. If you want, I can do the mixing for some or all of the Jeongsin 9 covers. I specialize in vocal mixing and song mastering, so I can do some of that stuff if you want. :)
    Dec 14 2013 04:21 PM
  • arcobaleno97's Photo
    Oh, that would be so awesome! I'm basically the main mixer, and I've mixed for stuff before, but I can never get it to sound that good yet (equalizing mics to sound good is so not my forte, haha. They usually come out kinda odd-sounding), so your help would be greatly appreciated! :D

    If you want, you could be the main mixer, and me the sub-mixer who takes over if you can't find time to do them? I just don't want to like add to much to your workload or anythi...
    Dec 14 2013 04:33 PM
  • Herogashix's Photo
    I'm currently just working on a few remixes and an album, so I have an hour or so here and there to mess around. I can do the mixing during that time. Hit me up on Skype if you wanna get in detail. Or alternately, forum PM.
    Dec 14 2013 05:10 PM