Community Status Updates

i quit. the fangirl inside of me officially died after this horrible mv.

To all of my readers, I am so sorry for not updating but for some unknown reasons, all my professors decided that it was time to give me a whole mess of homework, readings, and exams this past few weeks D: so I probably won't be able to update until the semester is over which is in 3 weeks? HOORAY!! anyway, Happy early Thanksgiving for those who celebrate it!

YoooooooonAAAfan → julayyy
Merry Christmas :) Hope all the best for you and your love ones ;)
take care and God Bless :)
-YoooooooonAAAfan <3
take care and God Bless :)
-YoooooooonAAAfan <3

SoNyuhShi Daelover → julayyy

snsdazzled → julayyy
happy birthday!
may you receive more love this year and the upcoming years. :)
may you receive more love this year and the upcoming years. :)

yeeeeesssp → julayyy
hey julayy!~
I just recently found your fanfic and I LOVE IT! please please please continue writing ^^ don't give up on it hwaiting ;) add me to the pm list once you start writing again thanks hee I love jaesica inyour story ...hope you put them together!
I just recently found your fanfic and I LOVE IT! please please please continue writing ^^ don't give up on it hwaiting ;) add me to the pm list once you start writing again thanks hee I love jaesica inyour story ...hope you put them together!

YoooooooonAAAfan → julayyy
hey I haven't thanked you yet for accepting my request, thank you so much noona:D

LoveSoshiAndSone → julayyy
you havent update yet T_T
pls continue writing *pout* >.<
pls continue writing *pout* >.<

lovedonghae:) → julayyy
Annyeong haseyo . ^^ pls ohh~ add me to your PM list of
|ove in the time of the ice princess <3
hehehe tnx ^^
|ove in the time of the ice princess <3
hehehe tnx ^^