Community Status Updates

FroYoHyo → A(mber)
Omg I keep on messaging late I am so sorry ugh. I love Fany <3! Idk Hyoyeon and Jhope are tied for me...Hyoyeon will always be there haha.

FroYoHyo → A(mber)
Ahhh I am so sorry for not replying to you!!! Yes I am a vixx fan :))! My ultimate bias changes all of the time used to be Hyuk now it is J-Hope xD!

A(mber) → FroYoHyo
I clicked on your tumblr link are you a vixx fan?? Hyuk is my baby~~

A(mber) → Hyo Honey
I visited your profile and noticed that you're born only 5 days before me in the same year:P

Going back and forth between Soshified and WITH VIXX is doing my head in ( ( { . . } ) )

A(mber) → ShannonK
I love your tutorials!! I did the Tiffany red lip one on christmas and the Tiffany September vougue one at school as well:P I plan to try more in the future:))

Thank you so much! It feels great to hear that people are using my tutorials! Next time you try one feel free to send me a photo! I go by helloshannonk on both twitter and instagram ^^
Feb 01 2014 10:20 PM